Monday, October 10, 2016

Death Parade (2015 anime)

Death parade is a re-imagination of the after death place where our souls gets decided to go forth heaven's gate or hell's gate. So there's no hell's gate here but to the void that eliminates the souls that go there. basically only souls that bare evil goes to the void. There is no heaven here but the souls get the chance to do reincarnation so that the souls get to reborn again. Basically the souls that shows merits will have the chance to reincarnate. Sometimes it does depends on the judges. Play a game, put on a show , and get on the the judgement. People who gets this anime will get the enjoy its content. However, this show does not receive huge welcome so i heard. Major factor of it's failure i guess this anime dwell with religious believes of people. It's some sensitive case i guess. Quin Decim, Chiyuki, Caovvot. Apparently Chavvot was based in an old Russian legend about a man and a woman. The man’s name is death and the woman’s name is Life: Death falls for Life and constantly calls out to her but because of the realms dividing them and their differences Life cannot hear Death. One day, Death stumbles upon a frozen boy in a pitfall. Instead of taking of the boy’s life he spares the child, and it is then when Life appears before them, finally able to hear Death. Together they revive the boy, with Death promising only to take the boy when his time naturally comes to die. Life and Death fall in love and eventually have a child named Hope who mediates and judges who goes where. “For even in life and death, hope can arise in both situations.” Hope we can get season season because there is much more explanation to be done. Yet Chiyuki is no more i guess it's lack off the centrepiece.

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