Friday, March 27, 2015

FINAL FANTASY XIII (PS3 GAME) is the day i defeat the god damn orphan in Final Fantasy XIII and saved cacoon from doom. after looooong 70 hours+ of game play of course. i do manage to complete 30 missions though. My review of this game is this game is awesome. Yet there is much to say, there are pros and cons of this game as well. this is an underrated game of course. Many of the gamers might not like this game and it's fine because this game might not be your poison. 1st of all, this game is just graphic perspective awesome. Lightning as a main character rocks. Nothing can change that. Just hope that one day a guy is that awesome worthy to marry her as a bride. Snow is a huge dude but without weapons is just not my poison. Fang is so awesome character so i want her to accompany me until the end. Vanille is very kawaii and pretty i definitely want her accompany till the end but too bad she lack of party status buffs. Sazh is not my poison. period. Hope is defenceless but very useful in his status buffs so come in use at the very end when we all lost hope i guess. definitely this is a genre that have may people's hate and started to wonder why this AAA title went to a path that is soo not familiar to us. My answer is that this is the start of the game revolution i guess. For better graphics you must sacrifice some game play. For quicker battles you must sacrifice some game play. At last for awesome graphics you must suffer some strange game play. THE GOOD 1.very quick battles if you do it the pro way. 2.Just leave 99% of the work to AI and everything will be done through time. 3.very awesome graphics. Thanks SquareEnix. 4.Very interesting cast of characters except Sazh. (i guess we just not need a old man to be in a fantasy story full of teenagers.) 5. no need to heal or revive after a battle. Fresh stats every battle. As long as leader remains. saves lots of time and money to get those phoenix downs and potions. 6.lots of save points. Loved it because time is precious. 7.chocobo treasure hunt is fun and fast paced like a racing game. 8.the submissions is fun in its own way. the mission boss is challenging. 9. Grand pulse map is very big and interesting with a Chocobo. 10.Japanese voice acting is awesome during battle. (Fang, Vanille) add more in future pls. 11. the huge monsters are interesting to kill in grand pulse. THE BAD 1.story is not very well explained. There is no love story for Lightning...... 2.Ultimate weapon takes 2,000,000,000 gil to transform with a catalyst. very expensive. Just gives us what we want already. We paid for the game...... 3.AI will do everything for you, just you command. 4.long game play. At some early scenes i nearly fell asleep because it's dark and dull and not kind of fantasy game i was hoping for. (well the interesting game starts when they reach grand pulse and it's somewhere past middle of the game.) 5.too much weapons and the design should be more interesting in size i guess? would like to wield a killer ass sword like in FF7 as her ultima weapon? 6.summons is pretty much time wasting and not that powerful as hoped. would recommend the FFX summons. kick ass. just put an option that we can skip the pain in the ass summon scene. will puke if repeated too much of the scene. 7.summons consume TPs. limited usage..... 8.summons mix mecha= eidolon design is feels weird . preferred FFX summons (traditionally) 9.Vanille's summon is horrible in a way.... 10.Sazh does not fitted well in the fantasy genre, and his summon is a car? urgh.... So, what is to hate in this genre? First of all i would say the story is not that well explained and mystified till the end. I guess this is because SquareEnix don't want to reveal too much because it's a trilogy story. I guess the story is still a soo familiar save the world scenario so it is best to be mystified till the end so lets the gamers felt it's complicated. LOL. Then the game play. the AI do it all for us. Just we need to do is set the path what you want it to be. This game focus much on the speed and what sets of command you need for the part. All is AI decided. So, this is the future of gaming i guess. Human just leaves all their cumbersome chores to the AI. It makes us gamers feel we are not too involved in some way. The game is long and hard to beat... The last boss is something. transformed 2 times. At least it it gives us infinite retries. LOL. thumbs up. (in the past we will need to load the save games and start from the beginning again) but it is challenging and very satisfying when you finally beat him. Just need some strategy. But that is to be expected in every game of Final Fantasy that we all loved but we shouted to the developers so that they can improve and do better in future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

何时捣碎煎蛋黄 (2014 anime)

嗯,二郎这个吊丝的确很有问题。 他对很多东西的吃法和餐具的用法都非常执着。 因此和美冬吵架。他的老板时常化解他对食物的纠纷。给他建议,告诉他很多人都有自己的吃法。 把sunny side up 的蛋白吃掉,最后再吃蛋白的吃法原来可以保持碟子的干净。吊丝第一次发觉他的执着完败。 炸猪扒的沙拉也是如此。 一口炸猪扒,一口高丽菜,吊丝是认为这样吃。 美冬最后才吃高丽菜配萨拉酱吊丝不能接受。吃咖喱饭也是如此。吊丝不满意为何咖喱饭为何白米饭和咖喱是半盛的。他想全部淋上咖喱汁。吊丝打电话和妈妈道歉用汤匙吃饭很吊。 橘子皮吊丝也很有意见。 吃纳豆也很有意见。 用紫菜完全胜利。

Hatuskoi Gentei 初恋限定 (2009 Anime)

well this is a unexpected anime to watch but it turned out to be a anime that worth the time watching it. So there's this bunch of girls that found their first love. Very delicate feeling and very unknown to them. So this is their slice of life. There are soo many characters in the anime and soo many love stories. But the thing is that love is unexpected. Love is not always with the person that will love you back. Sometimes you might want to take chances. Sometimes you might want to tell that person that you love honestly how you feel. Sometimes is just lack of luck. Sometimes the person you love might not be interested in you. So, first love is difficult. Overall love is difficult i guess because human is so complicated. But sometimes is not bad to love the wrong person because it gives experience so we know what to expect next time.

Otona Doroppu (2014 Japanese movie)

Otona Doroppu is very slow paced with tons of nichijio (slice of life),very slow paced and some unexpected events. Well the main character You is a very delicate shonen and doesn't know who he love. With confusion he have 2 choices. One is a girl that like to eat the kanyu drop. they have some sweet memory during primary school time and nothing else. So in the same class, Haru sits behind You and has been very close. Haru likes You secretly and wanted You to like her . So there is this plan where Hajime, You's friend proposed a plan to make friend with Ann Irie . A certain rivalry spark You feelings and he wanted to know what is that. So the plan began and failed. Irie was angry because You was to afraid to apologize. So that day Haru dated You the whole day. So when summer vacation started You send Irie a letter saying that he was sorry and so... appears that Hajime and You send letters and get a reply with no specific story and address but was known that Irie was separating from them. So 2 crazy shonen want to have a crazy summer vacation memory . so they decided to take long train and walk to where Irie moved to. So they have met. Conversations have been made. About Irei's father going to die stuff. So this is too much for shonen i guess. Soo words can't spill out properly. So You should realize that he and Irie's story is linked to kanyu drop only. There's another meeting with You and Irie. After the death of Irie's father. Irie finally spilled out that she loved You long time ago and not for now because she cannot handle it now. She was separated with her father not long ago and her newly wed mother prefers that they not be together. Guess that's too much for shonen too.... So the final train separation. There's this scene with older women i guess she is okay. there is this shrine festival and Haru invited you. Haru said she parted with her boyfriend. Haru asked if You tell Irie that he liked her. You is still wondering around endlessly. But once he looked back when Haru is not around he panicked. I guess there is this mixed feeling where separation with Irie is added with separation with Haru so he decided to tell Haru that he liked her during the Culture festival. So there is this I've been waited for soo long face from Haru and the end. Worth the time since is HD. The characters is so mature face so shonen is overrated for them anyways. this is a pretty much reality film and have pretty much to do with real world stuff. Most of the time i wish film can be more fantasy because we tasted enough of the real world stuff i guess. But one thing for sure. I guess when we grew older, those sweet and sour past will just become our sweet and sour shonen memories .

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise 楽園追放 (2014 movie)

This is an epic animation production . A solid 3D animation with 2D effects. Deva girls are pretty and strong. So it has come to that point that human rely on tech that much and abandoned our flesh and blood and live in space station. Human is digitalis-ed as personality and require memory to run their full potential but is restricted... What a shame.. not enough memory..... Some human still left in the earth. So a Deva Angela Balzac was expelled from the paradise because she strongly recommended her own opinion. Again huge scale war and she manage to escape from the paradise and live in the earth that pretty much abandoned. Very well produced and should be appraised. Dingo is too informative if you ask me. Angela is too rebellious if you ask me. the Arhan is powerful but very weak without satellite signal..... So the war ended when nobody cares the space exploration program :Genesis Ark........ launches into the far away place..... my final thought is that the story have pretty much reality and politics into it so makes people uneasy and confused and maybe annoyed. movie should be sometimes care free and just pure enjoyment stuff ... example more kawaii diva girls.....

Friday, March 13, 2015

the Animatrix (2003 movie)

well,it's good. worth my time since i am huge Matrix fan last time. not heard of any new stories since then. A well known and loved Sci-Fi series. The question is can you take the truth or you rather sit inside your comfort zone? Well, most of us will stay within our comfort zone unless the comfort zone has nothing better to offer or the situation is very bad. . the first story is a direct tuition to exercise our memory of the main story . mostly forgotten anyways. A spinoff but very similar to the main story . Makes me want to revisit the Matrix with blueray. Secondly is a protege of Neo and Trinity . A very young one. Not sure if he makes it though .... The runner reaches the Matrix but was cut off by agent. he desires freedom more than fame. There is this world be create the robots as slaves. Then robot rebel. Human kill robots. war against each other. block the sun. robots study human . makes supercomputer powered by human brains and stuff and contain human in to run huge live simulations. Not really makes sense at all. What is the point anyways? A sigh for the detective that cannot make it with Trinity / Red Queen. case closed. then there was this japan hippie girl chase cat and went to a unstable area with minimal gravity . but they took care of that area case closed. lastly they try to convert one of the robots and they succeed by running simulation through it's head. but the end human really cannot truly trust robots anyways..... A very solid science fiction that brings nostalgia of a epic genre that maybe some truth is within it.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tokyo Godfathers (2003 movie)

well done. this is the type of film that indeed moves people's heart and worth my time watching. there will be a new definition for the homeless people since the homeless leads seems to have a home to return to. Many of us are like homeless people. We kept searching for the place we call home outside the huge world and forgotten our real home that we all abandoned long ago. that baby is really something. really brings fortune all the way long. the wind and banner cloth landing is something like ending the race or so be called ending the whole ridiculous messy trip. Michiko looks alot like paprika . very entertaining and realistic presentation overall. should show more of the happy ending like reunions and lottery winnings and sorts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kara no Kyoukai 2 - Murder Speculation (2007 movie)

Kara no Kyoukai 2 - Murder Speculation gives more story. kokutou meets shiki. kokutou fall for shiki even shiki have 2 personality and kills. Maybe kimono and red punk jacket does the trick? SHIKI really is cute.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001 square pictures)

最终幻想:灵魂深处。 十多年过去了。我重看这部巨作。嗯。。。 感想确实有很大的不同。我必须承认欣赏某些电影的确需要思想上的成熟来配合。当然,以现在的技术:BLUERAY 观看电影比起当年的VCD/DVD技术好上很多。 可以看见细节:头发,皱纹,的确加分了。十多年前,当我是一个年轻小伙子的时候大概看了VCD吧。当时的效果很差,黑不是黑,在电视机里好像曝光过度变成了灰色。。。。四方的电视机加了两条黑边,变16:9。 大体上颜色灰灰的,就是整部电影就是灰灰的感觉。总之当年的我就是应该觉得这部电影看不下去,直接打快,观看重要镜头然后结束。这就是当年的我。当然当年的我对这部电影感到失望,因为和FINAL FANTASY 游戏毫无关系。 没有召唤兽,没有魔法。。。 十多年后,由于有BLUERAY把电影重新包装,我再挑战一次最终幻想:灵魂深处。 10/10 巨作。 因为这部电影有思想。 当然,我觉得很多人对这部电影的结局都误解了。 理由是因为当我看完电影我感到迷惑。上网搜寻资料时发现我的猜想是正确的。第八【精】 正是 AKI 和 GREY 做爱受精的 【精】。确实已经存在在AKI的子宫里然后GAIA把第八【精】转换成消灭PHNATOM的解药。其实也可以说是他们的爱转换成解药,救了人类。 很像ADAM和EVE。创造了新的生命,延续了人类一族的重要使命。 所以我觉得这电影是要有一些思想,和年龄有关系。

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Life Changed when I went to a Sex Parlor (2013 movie)

很扯的故事。蛋疼的宅男。很笨的女优。为了僵尸DVD四处奔跑的借贷老大。。。 很有意见的女批萨快递。 借宿。

地狱为何恶劣 Wht Don't you play in Hell (2013 movie)

地狱为何恶劣。嗯。。园子温。。。又是一部他的电影。 当然少不了血腥。 不知导演到底为何那么喜欢血。 就是可爱小女孩CM里刷牙 let's go !! let's fly 的确很特别。小女孩在血地上滑进房也是经典。 毫无害怕,与惊奇。。。 大叔竟然迷倒了。。。 女主角含玻璃瓶碎片与男朋友吻别也是经典。 YAKUZA~~~。 假冒导演和男友的小男人被打得很起劲呢。。。呵呵。。。 黑帮老大演得很好,很爽。。。 最后打斗都被警察乱枪射死可惜呀。 故事大体上精彩就只有结局是警察的胜利不是很爽。 就现实主义吧。。。不然片子不可以播放。。。。

Sunday, March 8, 2015

我妻同学是我的老婆 (漫画)

我妻同学是我的老婆是一个巨作。 对于那些受欢迎的男士来说简直是笑话。 但是对于不受欢迎的男士来说是知音也。 还有DX团队撑腰,就部员是有点颓废就是。大体上来说主角有TS能力体验未来。 唉,可以体验未来就看什么股票赚钱就行了呀。。。。 何必那么辛苦等十年????? 十年没有联络?????心酸呀。我妻同学十年间没有人气??? 主角那么渺小也可以结婚?真是有点蛋疼。前半部很新鲜,中间看见了告白和失败,后来有在一起很精彩,(就其实在一起后知道两人根本不般配,兴趣不一样嘛,就主角就蛋疼的只是知道单纯的喜欢而一味追其实也是一种罪过啊) 后半部有点乱,后边就比较草草了事。 其实我是希望除了我妻以外,主角可以有多一点的路线,多一点的分叉线。多一点的精彩。主角也应该可以感谢这样的状况。 萌女漫画家的路线也应该好好体验一下。呵呵。。。非洲之旅没去就结束了。。。。。

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

paprika パプリカ (2006 movie)

红辣椒,怎么说呢。。。就是意外的梦见很多人用DC仪器互相干涉梦境产生共鸣然后接二连三地梦境》现实》梦境》现实》梦境》现实》产生混乱。梦境》现实。最后还是把烂摊子给收拾了。 还真是没有收获的电影呢。。。。嗯。。 就女主角和很多角色都很不错,如果以现在的技术加上好的科幻爱情故事,加上PAPRIKA,肯定精彩!

kara no kyokai 空の境界 1 (2008 movie)

i have heard this series. seems a big deal. seems interesting title. seems worth my time. so i started watching the first chapter. yet it gives me nothing. nothing yet about her powers and story. a human like doll or android that kills with inhumanly powers ? Just having appetizers i guess. At least she is cute ... SHIKI.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Gift 2014 (japan movie)

it's unusual that a beautiful female thief get invited to a suicidal memorial trip to save his never before met grand daughter. not every day story material indeed. The memorial lane sucks sometimes because the things before may not seems the same again for now. beautiful memories should be well kept and replay again and again in dreams so that we can have the courage to wake up and face yet another boring and nothingness life. well, the little blue box that contain nothing inside really makes the ending sounded more like ending.