Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Rent A Family Inc. (2012 documentary)

well this is a documentary. Original film language is Japanese. Screening in Japan about Japan culture that demands fake people and fake relationships to show other people . Huge demand in this type of services in Japan. I guess not in Japan , even other countries have this kind of demand only that the people cannot face the hard facts that this is needed. Interesting story idea. should be re-written for better story flow, plot and should be made a film ,not documentary. the director should be Japanese, of course. other wise if director need to put his foreign voice into the movie again that would be a disaster course nobody will understand anyways. So i have to skip or fast-forward since i don't understand what they are saying anyways. if without those voices i will understand 50% at least, and will be more enjoyable.

言叶之庭 Garden of Words (2013 anime)

so this was my first Makoto Shinkai attempt. Beautiful scenes i must say. Forbidden love between teacher and student cannot end well in japan as this story tells us. Human are bind by soo many rules and sometimes we are so burdened by it until breathless. Until we don't have any place that we call sanctuary. That is also not allowed. Said by whom? By the rules of course.

寿司之神 Jiro Dreams Of Sushi (2011 documentary)

well for starters i never had his sushi before and i do not know how is sushi perfection is like but after i watch this documentary it really spurs my curiosity... but to travel there and eat those sushi made by him have lots of requirements. maybe few months earlier reservation and lots of money... but my friend said that he dare not to try because he is afraid to challenge the perfect 3 Michelin star sushi... maybe majority commoners have this feeling. Afraid of maybe ourselves are not good enough to understand the ultimate taste of sushi... i guess for now i will stick with normal sushi restaurants until i have the chance to challenge the ultimate sushi.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

希望宅邸 S1&S2(2009 动画)

希望宅邸是一个很短的搞笑动画。 为了走出农村而到东京补习班学习的重考生相田由瑠目住进了东京郊外名为「希望宅邸」的老旧公寓。希望宅邸的住客们都是补习班学生,而大学入学人数为零……该作品描写了这些重考生的悠闲公寓生活。就是一群很闲,很宅的重考生们的乱七八糟日常。

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd (PS3 2014)

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd is a very short PS3 game. Completed EASY mode in few hours with 40 song and i think half of the song was taken from the previous game. faster loading time and added some new ideas. really challenging hard mode and extreme mode is too crazy for me. i always think this game is for relaxation so not too serious about it. finished it about 6~8hours just to play the songs 1 or 2 times. the ending song is as always too fast and too many buttons. i always fancy the old psp version because most song is better in terms of song. the ps3 version is better in graphics and sound output depends on good speakers. ps3 version is not too bad. a few good song is in it and still is very enjoyable. In the end i still hope SEGA can do better in terms of the songs and don't let me wait too long for next project Diva 3rd.

小小的家 小さいおうち (2014 movie)

小小的家 小さいおうち (2014) 这部电影非常好。 静静地,优雅的美。 就是那种不需要很多夸张的动作,台词和演技来呈现的一个佳作。看见从前日本的战争时代人民是如何过的。日本人的和服,日本人的文化,日本人家里的井井有条是值得学习的。婆婆的自传虽然写成了,但是对没有把夫人的信交给板仓正治仍然耿耿于怀,想起也是一把眼泪。 活战争时代的确是一个不幸呢。 最后见了夫人的儿子,夫人儿子得知母亲外遇后还是一把眼泪。 夫人儿子原谅了多喜。 因为事情已经过去了。 当然,有松隆子的电影就是好看。带点伤感,带些感动的电影呢。

Saturday, February 21, 2015

冰冷热带鱼 冷たい熱帯魚 Cold FIsh Tsumetai nettaigyo (2010 movie)

【人生呢!就是很痛~呀!】社本信介说了后就自尽了。 叛逆期的女儿开怀大笑,用脚狠狠地踢沾满血迹父亲的尸体, 反映了这个社会的:带些讽刺的,毫无保留的的解读了 【人生呢!就是很痛~呀!】的真理。 【人生呢!就是很痛~呀!】说明了一切。人生不需要一堆的谎言,只需要赤裸真理。 人生不如意的事很多,很多时候在很多情况下身不由己。 但是身不由己的状况下其实大家都有选择的余地。 只不过大家都选择了逃避,为了保护某些对自己重要的东西。为了不要吧情况弄得更糟。 缺少勇气面对现实,缺少勇气做自己真正想要做的事,为的是不给大家添麻烦。 村田幸雄从小受父亲的毒打和虐待导致成年后对他人的态度也是如此。他的教诲最终也传达给信介。信介得到了【勇气】面对如今人生的种种不如意, 要靠他自己的双手来改写队他而言的不如意的事,成为自己所希望的事。但是事情最终还是向最糟的方向发展呢。。。。 这部电影是很强大的,血腥,暴力,淫乱,诈骗,都到齐了。 欢呼吧,世界的真理。

Short Peace Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day ( PS3 game)

well i cannot say i finished Short Peace Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day because my PS3 hangs at chapter 6 for unknown reason. it's a tragedy since it only have 10 chapters and total 1 hours gameplay. so youtube was my saviour. So Ranko Tsukigime is the main female character. seems normal at first with an eye patch and feels some pain. yet she seems to have an abnormal life in her huge container parking lot house and she is a violin killer. after beating some levels she reached the hotel to assassinate her target. she shoots a bullet from her violin rifle and the target was dead bursting out budha shape blood and mahjong. she saw her friend was a hooter. so she escape from crime scene. job done she thought. in the lift she was patted in the head as the last ritual from a wrestler masked suited man and gone he go. after that night and day wants to kill her and massive drill come out of no where. after she kills night and day they revived as zombie and suddenly changed into manga mode. her friend moeko dashed in with cosplay mode and samurai slashed the zombie and saved ranko. more fiends came. moeko's hot bro in motorcycle dashed in to save ranko. ranko fights in hot bro motorcycle. boss fight. kirara transformed into an huge flying dragon. hot bro also transformed but into future cyborg and flying motorcycle. after boss fight the dead dragon transformed into a ice dragon and kills hot bro. ugly bitch faces came out and unforgivable ugly transformation triggers the gate for binding. the lock to gate of binding was opened. next level nothing special chased by a dog. appears that ranko have a sister. ranko's destiny was to kill his father. the wrestler masked guy? BOSS FIGHT wins by taking off all the mask with the help of school girl uniformed sister. nice cut scene with trees and grass, with sister. ranko chocked her sister untill the third eye on forehead popes out from a marionette faced sister? everything turns out to be a bad dream. moeko, ranko and kirara decided to go karaoke. when they sing, seems ranko's father reappear in TV screen and asking for more .... THE END. Games like this should get more attention but spare me ugly bitch faces and ugly bitch transformation next time.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Toast 土司 (2010 movie)

well, i have always wanted to be a chef. I had been a chef for 2 years . I guess not everywhere threats a chef well, at least not in my country where you can consider them cheap labour and easy to get from elsewhere. I loved the kitchen, the smell, the knives, the equipments that combined to make the magic happen. the father and son relationship is pretty awkward and that is for the oldschool family so mrs potter have the chance to get nigel's father. i guess nigel should be glad to get a replacement mom that cooks well. i knew i would. this film is amazing. like the story, like the cast and settings. this film have everything for the baking part. hmm...lemon meringue pie... never did that neither eat them before... well, at least i know those are dangerous food after i finished watching the movie. the music was nice . the english accent is well played. the childhood of nigel slayter is pretty similar as mine. my mom barely cooks well. just not always into can foods. so later on when i grew up makes me think that i wanted to be a chef to cook my own food that taste good. that represents pleasure for life. maybe some day i will be a good chef. just not in my own country...

小凉宫春日的忧郁 (2009 动画)

小凉宫春日的忧郁是一个Q版的短剧。长门有希是。。。。。 OTAKU 。。。 玩 H GAME 。 。 呵呵。。。 剧情是没有什么发展。 大多是搞笑的事情。萌的是有希收留了朝仓凉子【幼】复活版。。。。和黄绿先生一只气球狗。当我们都不知到为什么会有这部短剧时,结局告诉了我们凉宫春日的忧郁的GALGAME出炉了~~~。不过的确是对FANS的一个精神支柱呢。。。 加油!! SOS团!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu 涼宮ハルヒの消失 (2010 the movie)

well, straight after i finish the 28 episodes ( with 8 loop ) of Suzumiya Haruhi anime 2009 i felt that something is missing . This cannot be. This definitely cannot fill the fans demand( the someday in the rain ending ).... This is 2015 after all, and i search and immediately found the solution : The disappearance of Suzumia Haruhi... After watching i rather call it : the disappearance of Moe Nagato Yuki.... huhu... Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu is the movie that continues the story of the incredibly interesting school life of kyon, suzumiya haruhi, nagato yuki , 1096, and koizumi. As always the SOS brigade is up to something and this times was chirstmas. Confirming that all the members do not have any events on the christmas from Haruhi let kyon feels that Karuhi is changing for the better from bit to bit. Time travel, again and again, seeing the moe nagato ( with proper emotions ) really spice things up especially when she grab kyon's shirt not letting him go home. Of course, most of the plots are overlaps from the original but it did explains the scenario well. but the fans won't mind much because such creativity is precious and cannot easily just spill out just like water. A movie like this we can pour out a glass of wine and sip it little by little while enjoying the character, cast and story we like most regardless what it leads us into. well, the lack of explanation of how kyon cure his injuries and back to the normal (SF time line ) world to enjoy christmas , at least we can think about is that we can expect a new season of Suzumiya Haruhi. Human is indeed greedy. More moe Nagato please~~

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (2009 动画)

新年快乐2015。 经过这么多年才有时间和难得的机会在新年欣赏和消化这部大作。怎么说呢。。。 一直以来是有听闻这部作品的名字,DVD封面什么的。看起来是很普通的校园日常,所以很多时候都PASS了这部巨作。嗯,这个时候要说明一下看后感想吧。 大概一般小学生是看不明白的包含了大人们对社会的种种遗憾和压力而酝酿出来的SF校园日常剧场。为什么小学生不了解呢~ 因为小学生还没有经历过:自己的中学和高中放完暑假后才发现自己什么FLAG也没有经历过,自己人生也就是路边的一颗石头般的逊色,那么普通,不起眼,可有可无的一种角色,只有经历过的大人们的那种可恨的遗憾呀~。 这大概是我看完8集ENDLESSLOOP后,自己所了解的部分。 第一天在烈日下发布宣言的春日。“夏天就要有夏天的样子,时间就像泼出去的水一样收不回来的,这可是一生仅有一次的高一暑假!” 这是春日经典语录。  “和他们比起来,我们的夏天是多么的寡淡。”   我也希望有那样忙到趴却爽到飞的两周。我也希望有人在一个无聊的又白又亮的中午打电话叫我同去游泳池;我也希望去买浴衣,然后穿去捞金鱼或放烟花;我也希望能穿上青蛙装在超市门口发气球,虽然很可能闷到中暑;我也希望能在夜里到朋友公寓的楼顶观测天象,虽然看不到几颗星星;我也希望半夜有朋友电话来把我叫出去,虽然他们要告诉我的是一个天方夜谭般的糟糕事实。   春日想要的只是百分百和朋友一起玩的快乐。我所希望的只是一个像样的夏天。但是,我所存在的这个世界,没有孟兰盆会,没有花火祭,没有打工活动,没有试胆大会,只有不甚分明的四季,和不自由的自己。 ENDLESSLOOP的部分是可喜可恨。喜的是可以以稍微不一样的画面和角度,欣赏一样的快乐暑假剧情。 恨的是8集也有有点拖呢~ 就是感觉上浪费了自己观看8集的时间。。 喂~我的时间也是像泼出去的水一样收不回来的说~~! 不过也猜不透最后未完成的事件竟然只是一群朋友一起写完假期作业。。。。 遗憾呀~这个FLAG自己也没有完成过呢。算了~ 算了就说是 看了8遍的我的 DE JA VU 好了。。。 “我对普通的人类没有兴趣,你们当中要是有外星人、未来人、异世界人以及超能力者的话,就尽管来找我吧!“ 凉宫春日的忧郁就是这么一回事呢。。。。。。 竟然主角很了解她,就可以归为同类吧。。。呵呵。 长门号战舰的「长门」、有机物的「有」、希望的「希」。她是县立北高一年级生,瓷娃娃一般不好说话只喜欢读书的女孩,SOS团引以为傲的万事通情资参谋兼书虫。正体则是「资讯统合思念体」所制造出来的联系装置(外星人),被派来观察凉宫春日。故事开始时作为文艺部唯一的部员(学生会认定的文艺部部长),被凉宫春日为达到占领文艺部教室的目的,以「戴着眼镜非常萌」这种荒唐理由拉来加入SOS团。七夕时许的愿是期望世界的「调和」和「变革」。似乎认为自身的情感是程序中的bug。 马猴烧酒形态就是萌口牙!! 最后结尾就是平淡无奇的 SOMEDAY IN THE RAIN 。。。 已經踏入了冬天,春日無視寒冷的天氣,仍然要阿虛做跑腿到商店街取暖爐,目的就是趁阿虛不在時替實玖瑠拍過一輯新照片,萬分不願意的阿虛走下山坡時,毅然發現自己早已習慣這條每朝都折磨他的登山路線,SOS團也是一樣,冒着雨水將暖爐搬回活動室,全身冷得發抖的他,開着暖爐便累得倒頭大睡。 最后阿虛和春日在一个雨天用一个雨伞两个人一起回家。。。。。THE END。。。

Monday, February 16, 2015

姐姐的妄想日记 (漫画)

姐姐的妄想日记,就算是姐姐的个人妄想日记,也很萌。 很姐力!!身为弟弟的也太幸福了吧。。。有姐汁100% 巨乳,姐便当,姐间接性KISS,后宫路线。。。。。期待呀,连载中呢。。。

Sunday, February 15, 2015

笨女孩 (漫画)

(日语:アホガール)是ヒロユキ所作的日本漫画。2012年開始連載週刊少年Magazine上,刊載的作品是四格漫画的形式。本作是描寫冷酷高中生阿久津明與笨蛋女高中生花畑佳子的學校日常生活的搞笑喜劇作品。 未完结呢。喜欢香蕉,考试零蛋,智商零蛋,体能一流,搞笑色情。笨蛋也是会传染的呢。。。 巨乳風紀委員長也很不错。押枝淳子老师也非常萌呀。 期待连载。

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

自杀专卖店 (法国动画)

自杀专卖店前面部分看到很多人,人生不如意,在自杀专卖店了选择了购买自杀工具,选择了自杀。看到了很多人都害怕表现出来的真面目,对生命中的灰暗害怕表现出来的真面目。 人生到了末端也许金钱再多也不能再有什么可以动心了吧。看到了强调哀伤的生日派对。很多人都认为生日是值得庆祝的,欢喜的。反过来说,也许很多人都忘了,生日也意味着【 在这个世界上自己的生命,又少了一年 】的 真正含义。

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

tangled (2010 movie)

well i guess i was busy with my own things until i have time to watch this Disney animation. It was an excellent production. Absolutely beautiful 50th animation by Walt Disney. Really worth the time digging in. Well at last i might want to say that once she lost her golden glowing hair how her parents knew her anyways... It's very awkward if her parents cannot recognize her.. And it would be best if Disney revives her golden hair by magic for perfect ending (visual purposes). That's all for now .

Monday, February 9, 2015

天鹅绒之吻 (漫画)

天鹅绒之吻很短。不过呢就H很多,也很有意思。就以主角被陷害有借据被强逼做大小姐的朋友(H朋友)剧情很令人向往呢。主角在过程中慢慢失去了一切,开始报复。和大小姐一起对续母展开报复。 大计划成功后其实应该两个人应该在一起呢。毕竟是盟友,也有H关系,也有感情。 结果还是让读者期待呢。

Friday, February 6, 2015

恶之华 (漫画)

恶之华看完了动画果然是非常心动呢。 还是忍不住看了漫画。 唉,还没结尾呢。 不过是有收获呢。 看来是非常H呢。这样的话动画没有希望了吧。。。还是删掉那部分? 意外的是看见成长后的主角。。。 恶之华得继续下去呀。。。。 非常精彩。。。。

孔中窥见真理之貌 ( 漫画)

孔中窥见真理之貌的画风绝对美丽。就好多好多H令人非常开心。就女主角非常性感,可爱,怜人,感性的 ,较小玲珑。 拥有独立而优秀的思考能力。剧情也有不错的交代。美丽而真实赤裸裸的一段恋爱。为什么偷窥会非常兴奋? 【 人类的罪恶感 】 【 明明知道不对,不应该做的 】 艾米露,想要艾米露的味道呢~

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

WXY (漫画)

爱美酱。 所有的H都是爱美酱。这样的漫画作者也可以画出很棒的漫画。舅舅呢。。 姐姐呢。。。助手呢。。。。

浮恋 (漫画)

你有伤害由乃的觉悟吗?与由乃青梅竹马的雪辉正在寄住在由乃家里,两人是学园公认的最佳情侣。而由乃的好友·早乙女怜奈则是雪辉的玩火对象—— 看完了这场悲剧呢。 这个漫画问了 【 人到底是为什么而活 】的呢。。。结果答案是 【 为了报复过自己的过去而活着的呢 】 很喜欢怜奈。。 很专一的女生。心里接纳不了别的男人了呢。。。但是确可以容忍她的男人搞一堆外遇。很想按赞呀我。。。

Sunday, February 1, 2015

卖肉的灰姑娘 (漫画)

对于往返于东京大学的保守女孩山田雅美来说有个秘密。雅美一到晚上就像被施了魔法一样变得美丽、变成为男人的性服务的援交女小雅!一个人在现代都市生活的灰姑娘的故事,现在开始! 那个标题是非常引诱所以呢就看完了。。。。 看后感想是非常好。就画功来说是满分。知道作者是女的也就满分了。 因为里头确实有非常的细腻的部分。男人是不会知道的。男人只想插入,爽而已呢。

我的脑内恋碍选项 (2014 anime)

我的脑内恋碍选项, 这个很棒。女主角们很棒。 就算主角有再多的 H flag 也不能阻止她们对主角的喜欢。 H flag 真的很多,多到打马赛克。 女主角也有 H 台词。 裘可拉,雪平富良野, 遊王子謳歌。 这三个非常棒。 可惜要等待第二季~~~第二季呀******* ANA PET~!!!