Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Barakamon (anime 2014)
A calligrapher story. Got me excited and stick to the end. A new type of the anime genre. well polished characters and storyline. Nice calligraphy. the story is about life and how simple happiness can be with a simple life. Country life might not for all people because of the inconvenience. despite the inconveniences, the country side environment is very relaxing and the people is much much more friendly and loveable. Naru is a very loveable character. very energetic and very interesting . indestructible youth is priceless. well, now at my age i come to understand that i pretty much messed up my youth experiences. i can only blame my environment. i believe now that a country side environment is better for growing a children if in future i am lucky enough to build a family.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
等一个人咖啡 (2014 movie)
九把刀作品。比那些年好看多。内容是年轻人都喜欢的重口味多重内容,少年少女青春爱情故事,悲伤恋爱故事,黑帮打打杀杀流血事件,黑色幽默笑话,天使降临感人事件的童话,与魔术热豆花和烤香肠的邂逅。比基尼,大白菜与铁头功的组合绝对重口味。这电影让人觉得生活在科技发达的年代,大家都被科技宠坏了。大家天天都期盼有重口味的电影出现来迎合大家的重口味。 2014年的疯狂重口味电影。重口味外,演员与镜头都很美。
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
重慶森林 Chungking Express (1994 movie )
我不是第一次看这个电影了。最能让我回味的情节是王菲姐陶醉在《California Dreamin'》这首歌中与梁朝伟相恋。这首歌的音乐是让人陶醉的。夢中人--王菲 与 胡思亂想--王菲 很好。 这个电影分为连个故事。 前半段是金城武与林青霞,一段杀手与警察的故事。后半段,王菲与梁朝伟,王菲后来也成了空姐,梁朝伟从警察成了快餐店老板。 还是播放《California Dreamin'》。 故事很简单,但有时候电影就应该如此。
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013 movie)
A vampire movie. I never tried any other vampire movie before because i never touch the horror movie genre. it's because i think it's rather shallow in content wise . i rather not let any movie scare me either. so , i did not know of this was a vampire movie. but this movie is special. the couple vampire adam and eva did not draw human blood directly until the very end of the movie when they were cut off from their supply. a mixed slow heavy metal rock with nostalgia feel music is mind blowing. the ecstasy look on their face after consuming blood is as similar to taking drugs or having sex. the only question is where they got all the money to buy blood supply to take 1st class flight and buy off their french doctor for blood supplies...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014 movie)
i just finished watching The Grand Budapest Hotel in a lovely morning. of course it's well filmed. i fancy these kind of film. Gives a bit of nostalgic, a bit of literature, a bit of culture, a bit of suspense, a bit of horror and a bit of everything else. Gustav really is the man for the job. sadly he was killed in the end. He acts as the kind of man that brings joy pleasure to others that people longed for. The Grand Budapest Hotel was a kind of story for those who seek some English accent, English culture more of the European style . Boy with Apple is a very good painting if you ask me .Gustav was very upset when his lobby boy forgotten to bring the perfume L'Air de Panache. It brings me curiosity to try out this perfume myself. my personnel opinion about this film was that this film is very good. Loved the characters. Loved the scenes. Loved the story although it's very fast paced. Loved Agatha because she is innocent and pure. The prison break scene was okay because it's short and progresses the story. The poetry in the film is goob stuff and should be polished more to stand out more to be a masterpiece.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
The Lunch box (2013 movie)
well today is a happy day indeed. It was like reading my favourite novel on a holiday morning with good sunny weather. except that it's raining outside now but it is definitely fine. I never happen to finish an Indian film except for 3 idiots . Never knew any of the names either. But this is different. This is a film that i long waited , a truly meaningful film that quenched my thirst for good movies. I never really fancy the AAA movie titles with huge action stunts. I can watch those AAA titles but it will not end my hunger for my mental vitamins.
first of all, it have the spice, the recipes that get me excited. The lunchbox delivery system in the movie amazed me because i had never heard of it at all. It has awakened me from my slumbered brain and get me excited. It seems that this kind of system really existed until now. i am very confused and amazed at the same time that indians make soo much trouble for their food. This is certainly a very amazing culture to observe.
In this movie, the characters is well picked and the plots are very good. the kitchen of Ila brings the nostalgic feel of a classic kitchen that should have been done with any kitchen. Ila's neighbour upstairs gives the film a little something , a link to be precise that makes the story more interesting. This whole movie is nostalgic to the core. It kept on mentioning and comparing the old times and now. the train station, the cemetery, the old town and the bathroom. It reminds me to check in the bathroom and notice myself if i really did grow old and have the old guy odour syndrome.
this film brings out the ultimate question . What is the meaning of life. It differs per person. Some people is not smart enough to think of it and lived their entire life without thinking what is the meaning of their lives and tried to manipulate other people's life to satisfy their own desire (for showing that they existed in this world) they don't their meaning of life. they don't have passion. so they have to do repetitive things everyday until the rest of their lives.
but anyways, Ila did runaway with Saajan to Nasik. I sure hope i can see this scene because the director did not film this scene to make this film a never ending story and leave people to their imaginations....
Hanamonogatari 花物语 (anime2014)
well, after watching this i remembered that i am a big fan of literature. Hanamonogatari was like a fiction book well written. it's kind of mind blowing with nice graphics and critical long winded dialogues (which is nice from my point of view) as always we expected from the monogatari series. Well Kaiki returns make me very happy to see him because he is a very strong enemy to defeat with lots of critical long winded dialogues. two girls play basket ball and have some issues so they become rivals. 1 on 1 . when the game ends only one player can leave the court. kind of cool. very short only takes me 1 hour 45 minutes to finish it.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The Cat Returns 猫的报恩 (2002 movie)
A interesting animation. Only japan can do a cat animation movie. their love for cats is amazingly high. story wise is a bit not so interesting because we have high expectations for studio Ghibli for their monsters of fantasy. So far i see only cats fighting cats.... and cute cats with personality. i think they are striking for female audience maybe. But the return of the antique cat form whisper of the heart is okay i guess. at least we see the antique cat figure moving around fighting as a hero.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Whisper of the heart 侧耳倾听(1995 movie)
Novel writer violin maker love story. this is the kind of movie that you might want to watch it again and again. maybe not in nearby future but maybe after 10 years pass by this movie never gets old and still passes the nostalgic feeling of youth , love and passion. Good job Studio Ghibli and nice song country road. This story reminds that the youth need to try very hard to pursue their dreams while they are young and able. to decide their future cross roads while they are young or maybe couple up while young is helpful too.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Ocean waves 海がきこえる (1993 movie)
well done studio Ghibli. A mature shonen love story with delicate touches to the heart. If everyone have this kind of chance would be good. If everyone was brave enough to have this kind of encounter. to fly to a faraway place with a friend and have everlasting memories ,have a fight or quarrel. I am too waiting for such romantic encounter with delicate touch with someone. the scene where she waits him at the JR Japan railway station determines that she likes him and was faithed to love him always. Love is strange
and irresistible. it occurs while we well know and while we not knowing it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
porco rosso 飛天紅豬俠 (1992 movie)
hmm... Miyazaki really do love planes. single pilot war fighting planes. i guess this is a very successful movie at that time. very beautifully made. bleed my eyes by he water color animation in 720p. the pig main character really is a big issue. almost made me gave up on watching this movie. it's unacceptable at 1st but as the movie ends i found out that i love that pig already. a smoking pig. women love smoking ping don't they... i just hope the main character can turn back to human but nothing happens...left me hanging in the air bu the end sign.
魔女宅急便 kiki's delivery service (1989 movie)
just finished this movie. seems very loveable. one thing for sure they do not explain the fact that why kiki suddenly lost her flying powers as a witch. maybe she could call her mom and ask for the reason but she did not do that. the conclusion is that maybe this is her purpose of training :to become a witch or not to become a witch. if she just let it go maybe she will loose all her powers. who knows? studio ghibli really do love to make flying movies..
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
平成狸合戦 pompoko (1994 movie)
there's alot of raccoon for one movie that can transform into anything. they've transformed into human,gods,monsters,legendary ghosts to fight for their forest but at last they've lost to human and more and more died and extinct and some said blended into human lives... an enjoyable movie for children.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Don Jon (2013 movie)
well, i finished this movie just now and i was every excited. great movie indeed. Scarlett Johansson was definitely fabulous. it was recommended by my friend because i never heard of it before. this movie has to be recommend by a close friend because this involves porn.... it's not like we recommend a movie with porn content with just firends. it's a very sacred kind of thing ... for me, i think it's very relevant material to youngsters since we are in a time that we can grab porn by just clicking the browser. it's not like the old days when we need to go for a shop with porn movies. just a simple click and it's here popping out from the screen in HD. lol.
i totally agree that real sexual intercourse is not the best sometimes if your partner not willing to totally loose herself into you. so if you find a girl that you can loose yourself into her then don't loose her .
Nisekoi /ニセコイ (2014 anime)
i finished this season 1 animation. there must be a season 2 for this. will be waiting .... to wait a lover for 10 years while not in contact at all is seems like a very irrational practice. what if the lover changes into someone that is different from before or they had changed their mind ... Raku Ichijo Chitoge Kirisaki Kosaki Onodera Shū MaikoMarika Tachibana. i need to remember their names hehe... my guest is that within this harem chitoge fits ichijo well and is pretty much gangster and gangster family marriage.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988 movie)
i watched it today. man this is a depressing story. describing the war in japan and the brother and sister became orphan and finally little sister died of malnutrition. it's more like a documentary. it's trying to tell the true event that happened during the war time. buildings being bombed and people escaped from their homes to the shelters. food is scarce and i think the story cannot go on if they stayed in the aunt's house.. just the brother is too stubborn and the aunt is over reacting. war brings destruction but war is still happening.
Friday, September 19, 2014
LUCY (2014 movie)
wow. just watched it with friends and feels good. Scarlett Johansson is very goddess like, very suitable for the film. sci-fi suitable perspective. basically it's a long and elaboration of the movie trailer. the movie traier had showed most of the interesting part in the movie. if have no time then just watch the trailer. i mostly get what's about the movie from the trailer. the part where lucy calls her mom to tell her that she remember and feels her childhood memory is the very good part. anyways will always support Scarlett Johansson.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
My Neighbor Totoro / となりのトトロ (1988 movie)
this is another movie from studio Ghibli that make me watch again and again and again. amazing story. fun and entertaining to watch. reminds me of the fearless childhood that we see adults is a scary cat. now that I’ve grown up i see the world differently and i too, became a scary cat because as adults there just too much stuff we own and scared that some day we might loose them and we are not afford to loose them because the time we have left is less and limited.
the country side in the movie is lovely. the house is lovely. the characters are lovely. satsuki and mei is cute. totoro is the Ghibli icon.. lol .... long live studio Ghibli. the cat bus is very lively to sit on i guess.... i just cannot imagine that the huge totoro can fly on the small top spin. the scene where totoro receive the umbrella at the bus stop with the sisters is classic. just lovely . totally enjoyed it.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / 風の谷のナウシカ (1984 film)
this is surely a amazing film. worth my time to watch again and again and again. it's very clear that we human do lots of pollution to the earth by war and lead to a very polluted environment. maybe we know by the time in 1984 but until now in 2014 we still see war . so we are like erm those are films, and war is war, war means business... so i hope our planet won't come out as bad in the film in the future...
fantastic character Nausicaä. the princess. the one who care too much for the insects (ohm). now insects are small we crush them on everyday basis while in the film it's like a giant fortress and in huge numbers. it's obvious that human is outnumbered. the art style in the fil was beautiful. love the air glider. when we will get those? the bio-giant warrior is obviously an expired creature.. lol , after a few beams down fall the giant, laugh by ass off...
well, the scene that the ohms revived Nausicaä + sound track is overkill stuff. very touching scene .just perfect. i mean, wow, they do that in 1984 is like WOW. thanks studio Ghibli .
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
A頻道 A channel (2011 anime)
Tooru and Run have been best friends forever, so when Tooru learns that she's managed to get into the same high school as Run, she runs to tell her… only to find Run in a compromising position with yet another girl, Yuko. Needless to say, that makes things a bit awkward at school, with Tooru fending off those who might be interested in Run while Yuko and their other girlfriend, Nagi, have to deal with Run's own penchant for drama.
百木倫 透 由宇子 渚 鬼頭老師
the usual high school slice of life that is funny and peaceful and moe.
天空の城ラピュタ (1986 movie)
well, today i finished watching the amazing movie called laputa castle in the sky.. well, i know, i was born in 1986.. suppose to be my type of movie. yepp, it's very good and i watched the blue-ray version. i think this anime is hand painted.. soo beautiful and soo much work into it.
pazu save sheeta from falling from the sky while the power of the laputa stone slows her falling. sheeta is the queen of laputa castle. the military capture her to obtain the laputa castle. pazu get sheeta back from military with help of the sky pirates. the laputa robot awaken and was destroyed. the laputa stone lead the military to the sky castle. sheeta and pazu managed to destroy the laputa castle with sheeta's spell. pazu and sheeta and the sky pirates escaped safe. the end.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
just friends (2005 movie)
i was shocked that this film is very good . very to my liking. the craziness of this film and at the same time meaningful really blends well. Anna Faris (Samantha James) is really really crazy in the movie and looks like very Britney spears young version . wow. thumbs up.. Amy Lysle Smart(Jamie Palamino) is good... as a town girl.. very sweet. bravo. romantic comedy well made.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
幽灵公主 もののけ姫 (1997)
赞一个!!~~~ 这个幽灵公主对我而言是一个很有纪念价值的动画。我念中学初四的时候有画一个幽灵公主与她的狼妈妈一起的壁画。。。 她口中还有血呢。。回想起来还真是很怀念呢。。还有血腥。。。 难怪老师会说那个画太凶的。。。。 大概有十年了吧。相隔十年后再看这部巨作还是津津有味呀。。久石让 (joe shiraishi) 与 宫崎骏 的动画, 绝了! 大自然,人类,与野兽的战争,最后还是得回复和平呢。。。 公主把肉片用自己的嘴巴咀嚼以后用口喂受伤的战士时我觉得这就是爱呀~
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
勇者斗恶龙 达尔大冒险 1991-1992
勇者斗恶龙 达尔大冒险动画46集看完了。。。 还没结束呢。。。 大魔王还没打。。。 以前看过漫画的。好怀念呢,以前是去漫画店借回来看的。画得很好,很精彩。津津有味。 角色可以说是一流的。动漫我是希望可以高速一点的。 不过毕竟是旧动画呢。。。 阿邦旋风剑!!~呵呵~
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
hook (1991 movie)
Robin Williams, is peter pan...... rather disappointing i guess... well, this is a hard one i think. because everyone know the original version being so perfectly good and exciting and wanted to watch again , again and again for whatever reason. i remembered my childhood being soo boring at times and have lots of free time so i watch the Disney's peter pan dozens of times..... Wendy was always been the sweet lady to me when i was young... but in the movies, just forget about it... the pirates was the deal....their costumes are good looking... but there's just soo much a real human can do .. lol... i guess they should not make this film at all and just focus on the sequel on cartoons... but the little kid maggie was soo cute... so he made little fatty the next leader.... and he returned to the real world..... and i need to watch the original peter pan again... LOL.. R.I.P Robin Williams .
Toy Sotry 3 (2010 movie)
well, i know, I’ve been too busy to watch anything ... wow, it had been 4 years old already..... well, always the same characters... woody, buzz light year, jessie ... tooo infinity and beyond.......... missed the first 2 movies already .... "there's a snake in my boot!" LOL...well, kind of miss woody's girlfriend the bo peep. heard it was sold in the yard sale... hmm.... maybe hinted the next episode?? the new thing about buzz is the mexican character voice over.... lol totally new and dance very well. so jessie fell for him.. and we have Barbie, and ken with his so ANDY is no more playing the toy and given to Bonnie... very cute little new owner indeed..
Acchi Kocchi (2012 anime)
Acchi Kocchi, totally missed it when it comes out. totally liked it very very much. Tsumiki is very very cute... Io is the harem price that make everyone nosebleed... a lot of slice of life. a lot of gag inside. lots of otaku stuff inside. the best part i like was the tsumiki nyaan at the last episode while inside the story's mini RPG... LOL...
Saturday, August 16, 2014
SOS:The Final Escape (絶体絶命都市) (PS2 2003 )
okay, i finished this game today. total playtime 6 hours plus 33 minutes. ranked C. made soo many game saves and died soo many times in game. It's a very fragile game since a small miss-place will be game over. sometimes, it only accept one direct route. sometimes one second late will result in game over. i first discover this game was like one month ago on the internet and i was like " oh, i totally missed out on this type of game genre" since i always keep my radar for only JRPGs.
well, it turns out a very satisfying game. 1st, it has easy mode which made me very happy. 2nd, it's not very long game play since i hate very long game play for certain games. some games i think it's too short..... but for this game i think it's just right . 3rd, interesting survival mode of drinking water and game saves. 4th, picking up items that you need for solving the puzzle and progress the game. 5th, have a interesting female character (karen) which i like very much and i have to save her again and again and again. it's just strange that she never said that she want to marry her saviour ........
i liked the first highway bridge was falling scenario when the game starts. like it best when i saved the female character (karen). i like it best when things get though i get to hold hands with karen...... what game do that these days...... (nice work game developers!!) while in the construction building with greg and karen , i like it best when it comes to karen ask for heading down the ladder first because she was not wearing any ....... you know .... classic .... and i cannot refuse ... damn...... this is bad.
i hate it when i need to carry an old guy across a dried swamp while a huge tree was falling..... i see soo many game overs because i would like to find other options . but the only option is to follow Karen’s footsteps... lol.... make a DIY raft with karen is pretty much interesting too. and my opinion is that too much guns and destruction at the last part of the game since i always thought this game is about survival and saving people... guns, missiles, rifles ....... are too much , but it does spice up the game where i need to dodge them to survive.....
well, i get the (ending 1) thing. so i better search youtube for other endings some times later... 






Wednesday, August 13, 2014
千與千尋 / 千と千尋の神隠し/せんとちひろのかみかくし (2001 movie)
完美的动画。 10/10 满分得分。充满色彩,幻想,动作,剧情。 看了六遍。看了广东话版本后再看日语版本的我有点别扭。。。 果然广东话版本比较亲切。毕竟是自己的语言。但是主角HAKU 叫千寻 SONATA 的时候,亲切的感觉来了~~。腐爛神出现绝对是看点。 鍋爐爺爺也是关键人物,给千寻找工作,给火车票。湯婆婆也未免头太大一点了吧。。。小少爺/寶寶变大变小绝对精彩。。。结局与白龍一起后分开相约以后见面的剧情令人有点担心。 在最后也没交代呢。 最后结束的音乐非常美丽动听。 谢谢宫崎骏与吉卜力工作室。
LEGO THE MOVIE (2014 the movie)
everything is awesome..... LUCY, EMMET, BATMAN. awesome stuff. super high quality life action LEGO movie. really brings back the nostalgia ages when i got the time of my entire childhood to play the LEGO bricks to fill my emptiness with full of imagination.... yepp spaceships definitely LOL.... double bunk sofa. LOL....
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
scent of a woman (1992 movie)
Al pacino. the great actor. the retired colonel. can identify the name of the perfume. handle ladies very well, tango and drive Ferrari blind. charlie was hired to accommodate colonel for thanksgiving and apparently colonel had planed a secret trip to New York, 1st class aeroplane, 1st class restaurant, hotel and limo. Donna and her nice tango. crazy Ferrari drive and police inspecting. charlie stop colonel from kill himself of depression. [WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW!!] [I AM IN THE DARK HERE !!!] charlie encourage colonel to live. colonel help charlie's trouble by a speech . charlie was mention as a guy when on the crossroads he choose the right path and hard part that is to be silence and not to betray his friends. appraised for his virtue . the end. nice fucking movie. this is suppose the 3rd time watching and it still stunts me .
Monday, August 11, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
NO GAME NO LIFE 遊戲人生 (anime 2014)
萌。伟大的作品。 【空白】 是无敌的组合。小裤裤总是可以看见。女主角实在是萌。很像电波少女缩小的改良版本。开始时小妹用脚控制滑鼠的神技已经让我津津有味。嗯,小裤裤无疑是完美搭配。克拉米·傑爾, 也是俺の妹的黑姖的改良版。
Saturday, August 2, 2014
一週的朋友 (2014 anime)
女主角很单纯,可爱。一周会后忘记朋友的记忆。reset 记忆。 只限于朋友的记忆很令人怀疑。小学和朋友吵架分手后遇上车祸的后遗症。男主角问她(香織)要不要交个朋友。沙希很萌,希望将吾成為自己的丈夫。 表示后尴尬。。。少年,青春,轻松的动画。
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
妖怪手表 / youkai watch ( 2014 anime )
妖怪手表看完了第一季。已期待第二季啦~~ 很轻松,精彩,活泼可爱的动画。可代替已年老的pokemon。 地缚猫非常可爱。主角是一个普通的少年,天野景太。 扭蛋机扭到了妖怪手表。真言婆婆很厉害~ 小狛也是非常可爱 : ) 很像奥运吉祥物 @。@ 呵呵。。。
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
little Nemo : the dream master ( 1990 NES game )
this game resembles my childhood. I only have 3 game cartridges during my childhood . turtle 2.little nemo 3.100 in one games.
i checked this game out. made in 1990 by capcom ... wow ... classic....
i 1st played this game was 15 years ago with a CRT tv and a cartridge console. the problem about the cartridge console was that the cartridge games at that time doesn't carry game saves. so it's not possible to resume from your last progress. you will have to start over and over from the 1st level.......
when i played this 15 years ago, i am a total noob about gaming and stuff. so i wasn't able to finish the game. i remembered very well that i only managed to went through level 4 with the moving train . lots of jumping required. damn that was hard. the fragile body of little nemo cannot withstand any contact from the enemy more then 2
well, of course the game cartridge machine since my childhood was gone , broken , missing..... i decided to revisit it when i get my hands on a gamecube with SD gecko, which allows NES emulation. one more thing , when i played the game 15 years ago, i was having the japanese version and i dunno what is the name of the tittle by then. so when i decided to revisit my childhood game, i googled it and found out it's name was little nemo......
i was soo excited when i remembered the levels and how to play the game when i revisit the game. feeding candy to frog, gorilla, dinosaur,bee, and mouse, such a genius the creator was by then. just one thing though ,the game was too fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hard for a kid.... that's my opinion. especially the last boss...... damn, no hp bar is one thing . i think the important issue is that my character die after 3 time mistake but i have to hit the boss about 20 times so that i can win the boss....
overall, i must say this game is a masterpiece 10/10. It took me 8 hours plus to finish it with game saves . lol... I just finished it today hurray.............!!!! mission accomplish !!! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2014
顽固老爹 2000 (日剧)
田村正和扮演 神崎完一
黑木 瞳扮演 神崎美矢子
水野美纪扮演 神崎小百合
广末凉子扮演 神崎铃
冈田准一扮演 神崎正
田村正和很上镜,演技很好。 广末凉子也很好,漂亮。面条很好吃。
深田恭子可爱,年轻。 剧本温馨。吵吵闹闹后一家团员。
Sunday, July 6, 2014
できちゃった結婚 OR Shotgun marriage OR Dekichatta kekkon (2001 jdorama)
this is the jdorama i liked before many years ago and until now i get time and effort to revisit it again and still feel satisfied for everything from the drama has to offer. liked all the cast. liked the theme song , liked the stare of his scary father, her beautiful sister ,Takenouchi Yutaka ,and ryoko hirosue really make my day.
i think this is the 2nd time i finished this jdorama. i am glad i did it because it's worth my time. learned that sometimes u must put down everything for the good sake of the family even a man's career. one more thing, the newborn baby always bring luck to a fathers career lol..... thinking of revisiting some of her films very very soon such as renai collage , wasabi , and beach boys....
Vito Corleone + Michael Corleone = Mafia genius. i guessed the audiobook showed more details as compared to the movies . the audiobook also shows more story and explanations as compared to the movies. But after i finished listened to it, i have the urge to watch the movie again to see the godfather himself. to see al pacino , to see marlon brando and listen to his voice once more ...
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
console wars (audiobook)
nintendo > SEGA
SEGA (GENESIS) > nintendo
SONY (PSX) > nintendo > SEGA
nice story.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS)
well, i started to play professor layton series from the nintendo DS and i believe i still remember the title which is professor layton and the diabolical box. i finished the DS version so i craved to finish a 3DS professor layton to see if the series have any improvement.i believe this is a very popular series that may not suite all's appetite. sometimes the puzzles may seems to be very annoying since it requires brain power.
my first impression for the azran legacy is that the graphics made a major leap of improvement if compared to the DS. the characters and the gameplay looks stunningly beautiful in 3D . animated 2d cut scenes are good too. most dialogue is voice over make my day. love the British accent from the characters.
as for puzzles.... @@ you can find and solve 150 puzzles during the game. my opinion is that 150 is too much. i really don't want to solve tiny puzzles for nobody since it will take my time and i really would like to progress to my main story as fast as possible.
to my taste, 30-50 puzzles will be sufficient . so that the gameplay can reduced to about 10-15 hours.
the fact that aurora is a drone surprise me since she's so cute and my fav character in azran legacy. emmy was a spy... sycamore is bro.... brunev is father... lol family business...... targent sounds like a detergent company .... the ending part with the azran drones and the airship seems alot like the doing of studio ghibi btw lol....
i finished this game in 22 hours ...... that's a long one.... i have no intention to go back to solve remaining puzzles. i wanna sell of the game as fast as possible.
and again job well done level-5.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (3DS)
2 days ago, i finished this game . took me more than a day time (25hours++) to finish it. great game. Bravo nintendo and Square Enix. Fisrt i wanna talk about my relationship with kingdom hearts series. 1 i first knew this series and played the series was during the gameboy advance era. bought a copy of the game and finished it with my gameboy micro. my gameboy micro only have 2 catradges, which was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and the kingdom hearts chain of memories. loved it pretty much. the combat was amazing which given a deck of cards and by using it only you will be able to attack. it takes time to reload the card deck ,so requires some strategy .
special game. i was able to finish it but not remember all of the story now because it was like 10 years ago.... yeah, it was still in my memories.. well, after that i tried the ps2 kingdom hearts. i dunno, never had the urge to continue after few levels. maybe not a really big fan of 3d action game at the time because my tv at the time was terrible. makes my head spin. i remembered that the cut scene was good. actually i think 2d game play as in gameboy advance would be nice for kingdom hearts since the artwork and disney characters blended superbly in game.
as for the kingdom hearts 3DS i would give an 8/10 .first there's this difficulty selection. i picked easy... and i died in game like about 10 times.... it's terrible. not fit the description. i want to finish this game as fast as possible cause there are too many games lining up... as casual as possible, no grinding please... the bosses have too many HP as compared to my characters... as for the gameplay part i encountered a game glitch in a boss fight where this boss just disappear and i was left there to do nothing. had to restart my 3DS just for that glitch. thank god no 2nd time glitch. but characters are awesome , well, it's Square Enix + Disney (take my money already)..... the storyline/sound track is awesome. the tron level graphics are awesome. tron keyblade, costume is awesome. 7 world , 7 disney stories. pretty clever disney.
1st there is this traverse town (again), then hunchback, then Tron, then Pinocchio, then 3 musketeers, then fantasia 2000 mickey, and then the world that never was.
the game play overall is really repetitive and you need to bare with it with good storyline and music. the pet system however is new to me. as i am a fully grown man,some of the pets are too cute for my taste. while some pets are highly difficult to obtain ...
well, the game now is in my brother's hand and he liked it. that is all for now.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! (2012 anime)
Eighth-Grade Syndrome in search for love.......... very special bunch of people ... lol... nise-mori summer, dark flame master, jya-ngan shin-ngan, dekomori..... well, pretty much delivers what u will be expect. ending surprise was kimari bear 7 kittens lol...
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Silver spoon S2 (2014 anime)
as usual, this anime hits the same spot. just right to promote agriculture. shows the fun, the tasty, and harsh worlds it is. worth a watch . average rating.
氷菓 (2012 anime)
one of my favourite anime. 氷菓 means ice scream in Japanese. the true meaning they put their school annual magazine name 氷菓 is a mystery. the answer to that is i - scream. same sound, different meaning. to let ppl know that somebody is screaming for help, injustice, in the past. pretty meaningful story. not everyone knows the true story because he is screaming from inside. liked the energy saving main character and the ever curious/kawaiii heroin.
the world god anly knows (2010 anime)
A high school student that plays too many dating-sim games sign contract with a devil that needs help to capture runaway souls. god he have too many games and too many consoles and too many monitors. game god has arrived. lol. btw he brings his psp everywhere.
Thermae Romae (2012 anime)
a strange journey. a wash in a hot spring will time travel from ancient Rome to Japanese hot spring. an interesting title. Japanese culture banzai!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
well, this game is a clone of the ps2 snake eater. never have time for the ps2 version btw. saw the forum that somebody is selling the 3DS version used and decided to pick it up by chance. not too bad for the graphics. just need to bare in mind that my shooting target was merely a pixel disguised in a red dot. lol....xl screen was very small as compared to the 21.5" computer monitor. abit regret not playing the ps2 version but will get over it since the 3D effect was hitting some spot anyways. later boss fight have some difficulties for me even in easy mode. maybe is the slow controls over 3ds , maybe... well, finished the game in 18.33 hours and obtained panther. not that i care the results cause i rushed to finish this game to get over with it to start playing other games. not a big fan of shooting games/ war games. just that this is a big enough title and enjoyed seeing the well animated characters. if compared to the PS1 metal gear solid i think this title is pretty well surpassed it in every aspect and still remains the original taste and deserved a respect . ending story is pretty convinced that the big boss i killed was indeed a good person just the mission is terrible. seriously, this is sad and depressing just to know the story. the cobra unit fun part was to kill the end, the old sniper guy. he will go to sleep and i will shoot him from behind. lol. others is just meh. sorrow was not necessary i think. beating volgan continuously 3 times makes me sick. what kind of human is he anyways.... orcelot btw is the bad guy and good guy the same time. was able to choose the gun with the bullet by luck since the 3ds screen was too small, just can't see anything... okay, time for my next game.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Ben-to (2011 anime)
bento#eat#hungry#museme#battle#okami#Rei Ayanami#reminds me of#evangelion#50%#winwin#bento#fan service#
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
夜樱四重奏~花之歌 2013
yozakura quartet. nice anime. many many panty flash. and lots of female characters that is very sexy. nice story. interesting. waiting for a sequel.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)
well, i never knew the first game that i finished in 3ds was this title though. it's because the graphics are kind of awesome for the 3ds. and for a whooping 3gb+ this game is amazing. the thing is that the 3ds specs are rather low for this game. i can expect some slow frames when loading a big map, not really a big deal by the way......i finished this game about 12 hours 35 minutes. the last boss fight was rather confusing though, the double vision thingy . lol . i get this game with a circle pad pro xl, totally worth it. next game was planning to finish the metal gear 3ds. Starting like fps although i did not played any of the previous series b4, seriously.... like the characters. Jill, parker, raymond, jessica ... well at the end trailer i saw jessica and rayond doing some trading and i can foresee a sequel but i am tooo lazy to play already lol.... gonna sell this game. don't get me wrong, it's a great game, i am not big fan of fps, and will not give fps games a second go.
frozen 2013 (disney)
let it go is a very nice song . splendid indeed. it's what it takes for a blockbuster movie. elsa and anna is true animated beauty. but never explained how elsa got her powers from though .... well, love the happy ending..... truly enjoyable.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Ando Lloyd - A.I. Knows Love ? 2013 series
a fan of takuya kimura must watch. some serious action movie from japan. Nice characters. 5D printer is future tech so i c. ARXII-13 is a serial killer.... and the mystery girl was ARX-THE LAST QUEEN lol..... Yukawa OS, Ashura OS, wow .
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
幸福的馨香 しあわせのかおり (2008)
很好看的电影。 温馨的感觉,怀旧的音乐。 好一朵美丽的茉莉花~。 上海饭店,在桥边真是绝配。 绍兴酒的美味在蟹肉烧卖~ 中谷美纪不错不错。 番茄炒蛋加上肉汁炒一炒也是美味~这才是电影呢~。
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
SYD Setokai yakuindomo
SYD finished it's second season. well played. it's what i expected of no less, sometimes offer more . it's hard to producers to draw the line though sometimes of what is ok and not cross the line. for viewers that's the more the merry. lol. Suzu is most cuteness.. moe + ero banzai. season 3 tanoshimassss...
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
a girl with a pearl earing (scarlet johansson)
very nice , very poetic settings. work of art. scarlet johansson is too beautiful. i bet she was 10x more prettier than in the painting. lots of drama, very by the book. worth the time indeed.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
lost in translation
fan of scarlet johansson will not miss this story. this is the second see through. stunningly beautiful. mesmerizing indeed. will fall in love with a single glance. sleepless nights waiting.... for a friend that cares. bob, you are funny.
No-rin anime (2014)
miku like female character. sort of like k-on moe theme. otaku. oppai . lots of oppai. bt and is still interesting and enjoyable. boooost the agriculture love ofcourse.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
現代視覚文化研究会 genshiken s1 (anime)
otaku, moe, smoking, comic festival, eroge, hentai manga, kind of lifestyle. sequel... sequel... i am coming....
Ender's game (2014 movie)
sort of like a children's blockbuster and consist of lots lot techs and children. children as warheads and kill the alien ants. nice CG by the way. a twist at the end make ppl think there is a sequel though.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
步履不停 2008
2009年每日电影奖最佳男主角(阿部宽)very very japanese poi movie indeed. love the tempura corn story. the sarcasm between mother in-law. family in real time.
this is england 2006
england, skinheads , gangsters, hooligans, racist, militant and psychotic. WAR~!!! well made film
short peace 2013 (anime OVA)
well there are lots of short films combined into it. the first monk/craftsmen story make a good opening. and there's the GAMBO bear which is powerful . i guess the villagers don't take flee as an option leads the village sacrifice one girl a week...@@ the fireman story is interesting since u need to tear down buildings to save the fire. the last story was like amazing graphics lots of mecca , bombs. the ending was censored ...... it's still ok i guess
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
monogatari second season (anime 2013)
awesome masterpiece. fulfils many of my desires that i wanted from an anime without ruining it in a way. dialogues are plenty but really essential to narrating the full story. repeatedly call out character's names are a genius decision. makes people remember their core characters for future series recognition. arraragi-kun , senjou- gahara , shinobu-oshino (Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade0, hanekawa-san, kaiki- densho, oshino-meme
"snowdrop" by Luna Haruna and Marina Kawano super nice .. Kogarashi Sentiment - Bakemonogatari OP this is nice olso. sentimental feel...... it's little sad that kaiki need to die at the end since we know the deep truth that kaiki was a good person.
reboot this anime 2014. really i like it soo much!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
厨子·戏子·痞子 (2012)
crazy bunch of people doing crazy stuff..... costume is ok . style is ok. story .....
gatchaman , gatch gatcha.... shinjin hajimesu..... x. moe. style. colour... update the world please...
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
strating to play FF XIII (ps3)
well, just started to play this massive RPG. despite all the negative comment about this game , i give it a shot. but before hand i do watched the cut scenes about few years ago .truly beautiful cut scenes. few years ago i thought there will be no chance i will buy the ps3. yet i bought the ps3 because there are soo many tempting games . very very nice graphics. SONY u do it right. hmm about the game play i would say it's AUTO. i thought there will be fully auto lvling but i think it's not the case. have to dig in for more info. still at chapter one . massive game ,lightning seems talking to herself alot... lol .... cool emo gurl. fast game flow i can say. should be a RPG game system revolution. but i guess old/retro gamers wil hate it... well, i don't really care as long i can clear the game without breaking any sweat. looking forward to meet the summons hehe...
Monday, February 17, 2014
star ocean the last hope (ps3)
finally i can say i finished this title. gruesome 50 ish hours .. the last dungeon was annoying. soo big, yet soo little save point. great graphics, character, i do want more romance thn friendship from the game... cute characters, big story. worth the play indeed...
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
the hair dresser's husband 1990
mathilda. beautiful lady die young. left the husband. arabian dance. truly cinematic . tre bian .
Monday, February 10, 2014
neptunia anime 2013
there's lots of moe things inside but seems at the kinder garden level.... bored.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
robocop (2014)
not really fond to blockbusters. reminds me of old memories. really miss the old slow robot in the 90's lol...really fast pace movie. samuel l Jackson is spilling the f word again...
the escape plan 2013
2 muscle stuntman really boost this prison break blockbuster . prison in the big big ship.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
amour 2012
french movie. an old guy killed his sick wife . summer camp post card. lost. flower. like camp. stars hated . post card filled withe stars.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
hanezu (2011 movie)
very slow paced film. show peaceful life of japan. very few dialogue. the whole film ( scenes ) is to my liking but lack of content.
Friday, January 31, 2014
samsara 2011 (documentary)
cool stuff. it's kind of travel around the world in 80 days feel. just minus the hassle of paying for passport, buying ticket ,spend money ,sweat, and stuff. truly benefit from it. seems that the world is a crazy place to live in with soo many crazy stuff going on..
Thursday, January 30, 2014
sora no woto (anime)
war anime.. hmm ... not really fond. but able to seek the slice of life , shadows of k-on is not too bad. well, kanata is the main character's name. cool.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
hatsune miku project diva f (PS3)
finished the EASY mode . as for songs i think the psp version have better ones. as for graphics ps3 winner.
this is my second ps3 game that i fin this year lol....
Final Fantasy VIII (PS one )
well it took me very looong indeed to finish this game. i guess i am just very ill fated to this game. 1st i started this game in my ps one . everything goes smoothly until the end of disk 2 . the game just stuck there ( disk problem i guess ).
i was frustrated and stopped playing it. afew years later i got my hands on a china made psp that is able to play psone games. cool, so i started to play from disk 1 again.. after several hours the china psp have some problem so need to send the warranty... i forgot to backup the game saves lol... after i get back the china psp i felt lost and frustrated.
a few months later i suddently remembered the good old days of the ps one emulater. so i started the game again on pc in a psone emulater. well, this time i passed the end of disk 2 no problem. but my pc crash during a game save on mid disk 2. my saves are gone..... disaster indeed. so i just dl a game save from net that is starting from disk 2 and continued it as nothing happened... cleared disk 3 no problem, cleared disk 4 . yeah baby after soo many years i finally able to finish this cursed game............
the devil is a part timer 2013 (anime)
clearly this is a very unusual plot for a anime.. the main character is a kind hearted devil and the hero is seems to side with the bad guys... the devil work in a fastfood chain in japan and try not to harm the human kind.. devil try to be a good citizen is truly not convincing at all... it's like the main character is cosplay devil lol... yet i hope there is sequel to it ..
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
the secretary 2002
very nice movie indeed . watched afew times but never ended it . 1st was long time ago and get excited about the spanking scene and masturbation scene . i never remembered the ending. well, i hope there is a better ending . but still well played movie. nice leading characters , totally enjoyed it.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
well, first of all happy birthday to myself, yepp today's my birthday as i finished my 1st ps3 game since i bought it at 31st of December 2013....
spent 20+ hours of game-play on easy mode. 60+ accuracy .
this game is the game of the year of 2013, well said.
nice story, nice characters : ) enjoyable graphics. a few hick ups (glitch) in game. but is playable.
the reloads is sometimes very slow and gun changing makes me sleep...zzz
the enemy are very strong for me even in easy mode.... too much of intelligent...
Joel lied abt the fireflies at the end of the game to ellie , is kind of cheating i guess...
Friday, January 10, 2014
K anime
painfully finished the k anime... (1 month +) the opening theme is interesting. the plot is awfully dull... lots and lots of fights, can't settle without fight , savages....kings, clans, fights..... characters is ok , not too strong .... just disappointment( too much action ) i guess... and ending is dull.. main character king died.. no explanation ...
10 + 10 电影节电影
看完了10+10 台湾电影 。一个电影十个故事。映像深刻有两个,一个是“有个杂货店叫”永久“ ,老太婆的旧杂货店故事,很有味道。
另一个是 洗头的故事,”据说你帮人洗掉记忆“ 很有感觉。
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