Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

well, i never knew the first game that i finished in 3ds was this title though. it's because the graphics are kind of awesome for the 3ds. and for a whooping 3gb+ this game is amazing. the thing is that the 3ds specs are rather low for this game. i can expect some slow frames when loading a big map, not really a big deal by the way......i finished this game about 12 hours 35 minutes. the last boss fight was rather confusing though, the double vision thingy . lol . i get this game with a circle pad pro xl, totally worth it. next game was planning to finish the metal gear 3ds. Starting like fps although i did not played any of the previous series b4, seriously.... like the characters. Jill, parker, raymond, jessica ... well at the end trailer i saw jessica and rayond doing some trading and i can foresee a sequel but i am tooo lazy to play already lol.... gonna sell this game. don't get me wrong, it's a great game, i am not big fan of fps, and will not give fps games a second go.

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