Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Well, well A very good film indeed. Definitely the top 10s of all times. No dull moments with Captain Jack Sparrow from the beginning till the end of the movie. I was entertained. Looking forward to watch the sequel.

I remembered this film in those crappy DVD days. Those DVDs do no justice to this movie. But still I manage to remember some scenes when Captain Barbossa and his pirate crews turn into the skeletons in the moonlight. Captain Barbossa drank the red wine and all the wine spilled out from his skeletons.

Definitely worth the time to watch this movie again in marathon or just to revisit the details. I must say Keira Knightly is very lovable. So when we thought that the story comes to an end , at the ending after the credits the monkey took the coins from the chest and the monkey is cursed.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is okay i guess. After all, we had seen so many Star Wars movie, I guess we the audiences needed something new to feast our eyes. 

We get the same old stuff with nothing too surprising in much better graphics that is for sure. Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang both asians in a Star Wars movie stands out a lot. Donnie Yen even had a dedicated battle scene as a blind Jedi.We are proud of you Donnie Yen.


Its too bad for all the main characters in the movie had to die after soo much trouble of transmitting the data of the design flaws of the Death Star. But the ending is spiced up with some Death Vader action and a short Princess Leia scene.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Perfect Blue (1997 anime)

Wow 20 years has past so quickly. So today i finally watched this movie. Interesting movie. I liked the main Character Mima. She's best in her idol and singing personality but I guess she still needs to survive in the reality. The plot twist is that her manager Rumi which was a ex-pop star want s her dead because she ruin her good image as a idol pop star.

Her manager have mental illness, she imagines herself as the pop idol singer Mima. She then murders anyone who would harm Mima's reputation and in the end she wants to become Mima. She dress up as Mima and wants to kill Mima. In the end Mima saves her and left her in the mental hospital.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Anthem of the Heart (2015 anime)

There are things that we not want others to know of. There are things that we just keep it to out heart. This movie reminds us to shout out what we truly thinks in our heart. We must follow our heart and shout out the truth and take action.  It's the only solution.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

山中的汤姆先生 (2015 movie)

山中的汤姆先生, 原来汤姆先生指的是他们养的一只猫。乡下生活很不方便呢。 买东西要走一小时的路。 日本好多关于乡下的电影。 大概年轻人都不喜欢呆在乡下。 就多了电影鼓励大众回归乡下生活吧。养猫是因为需要抓老鼠。 乡下生活确实很安逸。 看见好多小朋友到家里玩的画面很有趣。 小朋友们呆在婆婆的店吃零食的画面也是有趣。 乡下种菜,养鸡,养羊,自己种自己吃的生活其实很不错的。

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ghost in the Shell (2017 movie)

Well, I am in for Scarlett Johansson. This film if success is because of her and Takeshi. Other things maybe the Geisha robot. Other things is not too interesting. Clearly there are some mistake in the art direction part which is messy on the street buildings.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Koe no Katachi (2016)

Koe no Katachi, a silent voice is beautiful. The characters is well done. heart warming. Bullying is a brutal crime and it can get back to you even after very long time. Social life can be cruel some times.  Jump off building and not die is happen only in anime. To bad we couldn't see those love birds together.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Boiling Point (1990)

Boiling Point (1990) 

Interesting Kitano film. Main character is baseball player. Involved in gangster fight. Ask for help through his former gangster friend. His friend was badly injured. He plot for revenge. He get help from Kitano . Flowers on Kitano's head was epic and memorable. flower and machine gun combination was violent indeed. They got the gun but don't know how to use it is very sad. self sacrifice in explosion is unexpected. The ending was back to the time when he was still in the toilet. maybe he is daydreaming... 

Yuriko Ishida is beautiful.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Exist Archive (2015 PSVITA Game)

Just finished it.

This is a great JRPG . A very Final Fantasy-ish game especially t here is crystals involved.

 The story is based on fantasy but is pretty much related to real world problems. During the game all the characters kept being reminded of their real world problems on earth from the voices through the crystals. From gamers point of view this is not likable since most of the gamers want go submerge into the fantasy world  because they had real world problems but during this game the crystals kept reminding the characters' problems or past evens on earth.

The only problems that i got from this game is that this game requires tons grinding. Defeating the same dungeon over and over again. 

There are two types of game play in this game.

first there is this 2D side scrolling action platforming before you encounter the enemies. The 2D side scrolling game play felt very classic , very similar to Megaman games.

After u encounter the enemies there is this one button mapped turn based fighting mechanic which is something fresh and new. Its something best described as a hybrid between old school final fantasy battle menu with some tactical strategy moves and shortcuts with some fighting combos from fighting games.

The characters is interesting and lovable. The English localization voice acting is top notch. In fact i played the whole game with only English voice.

The last few dungeons are very interesting and last few bosses are pretty challenging if you do not have enough levels because the bosses can really knock off huge chunk of hp bar in one single turn.

I played the PSVITA version. I should play the PS4 version because i think its graphics are better and more smoother.

I heard there are multiple ending in this game. But i go forth the better one. Where they defeated the boss and all is sent back to earth while Mayura which is hospitalized on earth is cured by Yamatoga's immortality powers . They are together but cursed with immortality powers. The end.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo (2011 anime)

Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo was Makoto Shinkai's complete clone of Ghibli Studio with added spice and boosted graphics.

This story is simple to understand and filled with heart skipping moments like the first bear-like monster encounter.

The forehead kiss is a interesting try.

The scene where Asuna save a little girl from Izoku (shadow creatures) is exiting as well.

The fact that Asuna was captured with the little girl indicates that Asuna indeed is a mix blood. His father definately is from Agatha.

Another hint might be that when she heard the voice from her radio she felt that she need to go to the place she belongs.

Asuna's run towards the hilltop is pretty energetic.

Its scene is beautiful.

the god that has many eyes, have the power to revive a soul from the dead. But Morisaki has to pay a price (his eye) to revive his wife.

The ending is not concluded ... Shin that is being labeled an outcast because he helped topside people did not go to the topside. Where could Shin belong?

Morisaki that is blinded emotionally and physically did not go back to to topside as well.

However, Asuna was given back the clavis shard from Shin, maybe as a hint that she will want to revisit Agatha again in future. 

The place promised in our early days (2004 anime)

The place promised in our early days is beautiful. as in visuals. 


mainly the story is that hiroki promised Sayuri to fly her to the tower.


Sayuri was sick and goes into coma.

Sayuri appears to have been in a parallel world but she manage to invite Hiroki into it as well.

hiroki again promised to Sayuri to bring her to the tower.


finally hiroki really managed to bring Sayuri to the tower and it really heals her and she lost most of the memories but life will go on.


hiroki destroys the tower.


again not much explanation about what is the purpose of the tower in details.



Monday, October 30, 2017

Glasses (Megane) (2007)

Glasses (Megane) (2007)

This is beautiful and relaxing.

Its like summer vacation movie. 

They get to enjoy Lobsters>>>>!!

They get to barbecue beeeef >>>!!

They get to eat ice shaving>>>>!!

They get to do weird morning exercise...? 

Not much dialogue but ALL is enjoy the moment.

Not much explanation either about the characters and the plot.Just relax >>>. 

One thing very obvious that they ALL wearing glasses. 

At first Sensei want to leave to change her feelings at a different place because awkward moments. but soon she reach she regretted and had to walk her way back.

Luckily Sakura-san rides her with bicycle.

In the end Sensei became regular.

Violent Cop (1989 film)

A Takeshi Kitano film. Watchable. The cast is good i guess. The only problem is that too much of the scenes walking from point A to point B. Cars moving from point A to point B which takes lots of time and less content. Violent cop indeed. In the end he got to kill whom he wanted to kill and he even kill his sister, and being killed himself, the end.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Amour (2012 film)

I watched this movie before. Now again in HD and big screen. feels different. I guess i will not watch it again unless i forgotten the message that embedded in the movie. I personally think that time would change what you think about certain films. This is one of those film. few years ago i watched this and i think meh this is pretty normal. now i think the film was too realistic and harsh and the atmosphere is critical damage. This is realistically what old age lifestyle could really be if we could live until that old. George went to his friends funeral and he think its a disaster as he discusses that to his wife. Saying that they played the Beatles yesterday and such. Anne(wife) said that life is beautiful when she look at her old photo album at the dining table. the last chapter, he tells her wife that when as a child he was sent to summer camp. His mother had told him to send her a daily postcard, drawing flowers on it if he was happy, stars if unhappy. The camp did not suit him, and one day he sent a postcard covered with stars. He also got into hospital and into the quarantine room because he got ill. Too bad he said he lost the postcard. Well, after his little summer camp story he uses the pillow to end his wife's life so the misery would end. Sometimes, Haneke suggests, life is flowers, and sometimes all stars.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

5 Centimeters per Second (2007 anime)

5 Centimeters per Second , it is from year 2007. 

What was i doing? I forgot. I just watched it yesterday.

Its beautiful. The animation was done in a beautiful way.

the sceneries .the lights in the classroom. the winter the sun set. its really realistic. 

I never would have thought a title that sounded so science fiction would have a realistic content. 

"5 cm per second. The speed at which cherry blossom petals fall." sounds like romantic and a secret code. 

"5 kilo per second . The speed of the rocket launches into the sky." sounded totally normal and realistic .

Kanae mentions that the rocket travels at five kilometers per hour, evoking his memories where Akari told him about the speed at which Sakura blossoms fell.

Takaki lost the letter that he intended to give to Akari. He treat it as a bad omen and he lost his courage to confess ever since.

Its too bad Takaki learns that he had come to a habit to write text on his phone address to nobody. 

Takaki should write to Akari or they had already lost contact due to some reason. 

Its too bad Kanae decided that she would not confess to Takaki at the convenient store. 

Kanae deserves to be with Takaki as she shows soo much effort just to confess.

Yet she lacks of courage. Its courage we all need. We feel you Kanae, sometimes we just need a little more luck and courage.

the travel through railways in the winter story is romantic and for the pair of lovers its their only climax of their relationship. 

The cold winter and the warm meal over the heater was a strong contrast in the story. Its heart warming and blessed. 

When Takaki arrived late for few hours because of the heavy snow situation and found out that Akari is still waiting for him at the station they promised, i think he is relieved at some point. 

Akari's home made meal cured Takaki's empty stomach and Takaki's anxiety heart. 

A kiss below the Sakura tree is a bad omen for long term relationship? 

too bad long term relationship always goes south. 

A love without confession is a no-no too. 

sometimes we just need to let go of the past and face the reality... 

At last the anime reminds us of our long distance bitter sweet relationship that goes south during our youth.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hana-bi (1997)

Hana-bi is genius work piece of art. looks rough but its beautiful. Its like society itself, its people is rough but the heart is beautiful. I realize that kitano's face is twitching constantly and i found out he face is half paralyzed because of injury.its amazing how he can pull out the blockbuster with a half paralyzed face that is highly praised. Its violent as it can be and funny at the same time. The young man that stole the taxi got beaten up by the junkyard boss is funny scene. Junkyard boss is funny. there are plenty of art inside the movie and its beautiful. too bad he had to kill his wife and himself in the end. I thought the bullets is for the cops...

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kimi no Na Wa (2016)

Great anime. I cant believe its been soo long since it released. Well, they have been searching for each other for 5 years since the incident so no worries. Japanese culture alone would make an amazing story. The story involves saving soo many lives so its an interesting one. Their souls leap through time and exchange body. Yet they forgotten each others name and kept on searching for each other. Well i guess the comet is to blame so we can get to see this interesting love story. Makoto Shinkai, i guess this is the second film i watched from your collection. cant wait for next one..

Letter from the Mountain (2002)

Letter from the Mountain (2002) is a very slow paced story but very beautiful. U can see the beautiful mountains as if you were there in the big screen. A pair of husband and wife from the city moved to the village in the mountains. The wife is a doctor. The husband is a useless writer and not doing anything. I wonder how they get together. The husband even smoke himself. I doubt the husband have a good mentor because his mentor had stomach cancer and refuse of any treatment and prepare himself for death. His mentor thought that was the right thing to do, it was his fate when the times comes he had to go... The wife is a great doctor and have panic disorder in the city. In the mountains however she is much better. She came to husbands hometown so she could get cured. She became much better. They went fishing and caught a fish. She even helped a throat cancer girl became healthy again. She is bless with a baby in the late story. The grandmother in the story Ume-san is very old and she tells her story in the local newspaper. Its heart warming advise from the mountains.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Breakfast Club (1985)

The Breakfast Club (1985) is the example of a film done right. With minimum characters and within a school area you can make a film that is soo good. So natural, with actors that have the potential. we were once young and clueless of the world ahead of us but majority of us is decent. So the minority that is rebellious and brave can have all the fun. Yup they puff some weed in school. Lets be friends. Friends will not betray each other. Friendship forever .

Monday, October 23, 2017

Me before you (2016 movie)

Well honestly i went in knowing mother of dragons only and only for the mother of dragons. I do get lots of great moments from her. Very pleasing moments indeed. Its too bad Will had to choose death at the end. too bad. He can be lots of things and the best point is he's rich, he doesn't need to go to work. i guess the pain is just too much to bear and its not the life he wants. Emilia Clarke the world needs more of your smile.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Redline (2009)

Redline (2009) anime was superb considering its from 8 years ago. Yupp just finished it today and felt awesome. the main character JP voice by Takuya Kimura and Sonoshee McLaren voice by Yu Aoi was the main selling point.Its about racing all the way and sci-fi and love. The thrill of racing you just cannot get it elsewhere. The art style is top notch AND FULL OF LINES AND DETAILS. 10/10 will watch it again

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Last friends (2008 Jdorama)

Takeru being a fashionable male is great character. But at last he get only friendship.... too bad. Michiru is dumb, again and again being sabotage by Sosuke and still believe in hi,even delivers his child. Her mom is wise enough to ask for an abortion. Yet she ignores her Mon as any children will do.. Sosuke being a hateful character brings so much of negative energy into happy family. Ruka fits the character well and too bad she has to like women. My opinion this series is comfortable to watch minus the sosuke portion. its mostly rinse and repeat sosuke abuse michiru and run to share house and back to sosuke and to share house and to sosuke..... they never get tired of that... the best thing is that the theme song is prisoner of love by Utada Hikaru. I guess the series is trying to describe that many people is imperfect, unable to handle relationship. even the other half is poison they will still go for it blindly.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Hot Tamale (2006 movie)

Hot Tamale is great. simple and fun. weed, police, 2 retarded bad guys, diamonds, hot babe ofcoz and salsa?

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Far and Away (1992 movie)

Wow it blew me away far far away. Irish farmer bad landlord (the landlord actually is good, his henchmen is bad) and landlords daughter and free land and boxing. man, the boxing scene is really an exiting one. The opponent was twice his size. blood spilling all over. Nicole Kidman is very beautiful. He could have won the last boxing fight. Too bad Nicole got shoot, and she had to be sent back to her family. His horse is crazy fast if u ask me. well, happy ending.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Seven Years In Tibet (1997 movie )

Seven Years in Tibet is based on true story. Which a foreigner make friend with the Holy 14th Dalai Lama ). Great mountain climbing scene. Great Tibet country side view. Felt almost i was there for a moment. Very pleasing , and beautiful. The movie does a great job of showing the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple in Lhasa as well as the rural villages of Tibet. Not to mention the breath taking views of the Himalayas. The Dalai Lama give the music box as a present for Mr Harrer before the leave Tibet. In the end the story is about father and son reunion and climbing the mountains. The greatest strength of the Tibetan is peace. Before watching this film i always thought Tibet is a part of China. It seems that Tibet is a country and China invaded the country.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

隔壁的801酱 (2007电影)

隔壁的801酱, 剧情 BL。。。 喜欢的刚好是BL而已。。。女主腐女,男主弱弱的。 剧情还行。 那个卖药的CM很强。

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Elizabeth I (2006 movie)

Elizabeth I .. Yupp the Queen that is virgin. The most memorable scene is where she signs the death warrant of the Scottish Queen Mary. She was unbearable to the order but she has to do it. She ask the delivery man to delay it but the guy delivers it anyway so his advisers deliver the sentence. 2 chops in the head .. " God save the Queen?" Earl of Leicester was dead in the bed in the first dvd disc. Okay, the second half is where most things go out from the rail.. The Queen and her young lover. The Earl of Essex. Its disturbing to see the old and young together. Oh . now i know its based on history .. Earl of Essex rebelled and off goes his head. "The most difficult thing to govern is the heart"

Kitchen stories (2003 movie)

At first i was like this is a kitchen related film , for sure there will be some scenes where there will be cooking scenes of delicious meals. No cooking scene. this must be the first no cooking scene related movie. Well, as simple the title can be, its story is bizarre. Unique in a way that i will remember for some time and its somewhat heart warming. the Swedish fellow Folke works for the Home Research Institute. He’s been sent out to rural Norway to observe how much a single man walks in the kitchen. The institute found out that the housewife walks the equivalent from Sweden to the Congo in a year. Isak volunteered for the study but changed his mind. (at first he wants a horse that the institute offers) (but when he found out its just a wooden horse he regretted) Folke has to wait several days parked in his trailer before Isak finally lets him in the house. Neither is allowed to speak to each other or interact. As Folke sits in his pedestal chair watching, Isak makes life miserable for him. Isak even takes to secretly observing Folke. Finally, the two men become friends. I like it when Folke celebrates birthday with Isak with birthday cake and booze. as useless as he can be he was wasted the next day and caught by his boss. I like it when there is a eating scene where Folke gobble down the food his aunt sent him... He gobble down scrumptiously , the pickles, bread, ham and sausages .. So he is not feeling well afterwards.. His boss finds out they’ve become buddies and he fires Folke. The researcher has to take the trailer back to Sweden as part of his contract. He takes it to the Norse-Swede border and leaves it there, so he can spend Christmas with Isak. He arrives back on the farm to find Isak’s sickly horse being loaded onto a truck and that Isak has died. (i wounder if Isak committed suicide.) Folke stays in Norway and lives in Isak’s house. He even becomes friends with Isak’s neighbor who hated him initially. as i said bizarre story but somewhat memorable.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chocolat (2000 film)

Great performance from Juliette Binoche. Great story telling material. So there is a time where chocolate is not allowed. The north wind travels from place to place to pass on the secret chocolate recipe from place to place and to help others. tired of traveling, she finally settles in one place where she had been accepted as a local in the end of the story. The count finally set foot in the chocolate shop [MAYA] and eat all he wanted LOL .

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tony Takitani (2004 film)

well, before watching this i have no idea that it was supposed to be a sad story. i thought it was some what fantasy linked. so it has disappointed me in some way. its my nature not to like sad stories. his wife died in car accident. he tried to replace her by someone else. he sold all her clothes. i guess he is richer in some way. his father died and left him valuable record . he doesn't seem to care. At last he seems to care to call the replacement girl who had sobbed in the once before rich with cloths room. Overall is sad. from loneliness to happiness and to loneliness again. At last he reached out for happiness again...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Poison Ivy II : Lily (movie 1995)

The cast is okay. The story is very normal.. More to the psycho part. A student (Alyssa Milano) becomes daring after reading the diary of a teen seductress in a sequel that's barely related to the original...Alyssa Milano is a charm. The evil charm. At the end she explained herself as she is different so she was not to be accepted at where she came from. In the new place she tried so hard to be sexy and seductive to be accepted. So many incident happened and at last she still can have happiness.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Poison Ivy (1992)

Poison Ivy, just watched few days ago. Drew Barrymore is the poison, my kind of poison. I think this is her best film in my opinion. I felt that i am in the 90s back again watching this movie. I thought this movie is sort of normal or just trash but surprisingly its very enjoyable. The this is my dog scene is enjoyable. The tattoo guy scene is cool, where he spits his beer to make it sterile. "One day with the top down is better than a lifetime in a box," "I mean, most girls don't fly through the air with their skirt around their waist." A must watch movie.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

最完美的离婚 (2013 日剧)

最完美的离婚 2013 日剧。 灰常好看。 推荐,赞赞的日剧。 傻傻纯纯的爱,夫妻之间的矛盾,还有一堆外遇的离婚到最后还是没有成功离婚。 8.9分豆瓣的确是对的。 有认真的丈夫,也有花心的丈夫。 有随便的太太,也有细心的太太。 夫妇不一定是家人。 签了字,就是夫妇。

Monday, August 28, 2017

see the sea movie

see the sea. Francois Ozon film

woman always brought baby to the beach.

stranger girl camping and befriend woman.

stranger girl kill the woman and stole her baby away. the end.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

这世上没有轻易的工作 (2017 日剧)

这世上没有轻易的工作日剧。不错,女主挺可爱的。 意想不到新鲜的题材。

女主解决了镇上每个工作的难题。 神秘的广告播报员,只要把她的广告播报删除,广告里的店就真的会突然消失谜团。





 最后还是要当老师。。 原来是自己发梦的事件。。。 有趣。。。 女主可爱, 男主可有可无。。

Sunday, August 20, 2017

约饭 (日剧 S1 S2)

每一集有独特的(高级)餐厅精致的菜品看的人口水直流,日本料理,尼泊尔餐厅,高级的熟成牛肉,起司火锅,各种料理搭配着各种的男人。 小小份的食物令人感到不满足呢。 牙医邋遢呢。

第1集 与高帅富在银座共享熟成红牛肉

第2集 太过热血的未来创业家和惠比寿的喜马拉雅锅

第3集 与二十岁现充帅哥大学生在中目黑共进熏制情人节晚餐

第4集 与难相处的牙医精英在六本木体验寿司割烹

第5集 和泡沫经济时期的大叔在麻布十路吃中国料理

第6集 和地狱沼系帅哥在涉谷吃牡蛎料理

第7集 和日语不好的韩国萌帅留学生在八重洲吃高级烤肉及绝品甜点

第8集 和恋爱学校帅哥讲师在浅草吃江户葱段鲔鱼火锅 浅草一文别馆——河豚刺身、烤鱼白、黑鲔鱼极脂寿司、叶山牛肉和鹅肝拼盘(自己烤)、江户葱鲔鱼火锅、饼皮冰淇淋、抹茶慕斯。


第1集 和恶魔美男律师在银座共进有机蔬菜美容晚餐    

第2集 和阳光型小肌肉男在自由之丘共进药膳火锅    

第3集 和温柔型帅哥理发师在赤坂品尝高级铁板烧    

第4集 和丧偶退休大叔在浅草雷门吃鹿肉涮涮锅   

第5集 跟废柴型帅气乐队男在阿佐佐谷吃正宗泰国料理 

第6集 这就是日本公司职员 和包工头在向岛吃甲鱼火锅    










Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Perfetti sconosciuti (2016 movie)

Perfect Stranger 2016 movie. our phone have became our black box. All our secrets are kept in it. too many secrets . Lets play a little game to reveal it all...

爸爸活 (2017日剧)

危险的关系 Les Liaisons dangereuses 野岛伸司编剧,渡部笃郎、饭丰万理江

Saturday, August 12, 2017

《四重奏》日剧 2017

日剧,回来了。 当年的松隆子回来了。。。 主角们都是演技派。。。 







你们忘了它? 啊, 这里有个parsley呢。  这parsley真好看。

Thank you parsley. lolz 

家森 SAJ suki desu 》 Arigato 》 Jyodan desu 

甜甜圈四重奏乐队 卷姐说夫妇就是可以分开的家人。。 

他的体温 37.2 度, 颈部发出好闻的味道。 


“我觉得,阴天就是阴天啊,晴天就是晴天啊。” 阴天,就是这个样子,没有什么好与不好。

魔术师怎么骗观众? 用右手引起观众注意,用左手骗人。。。叉插下去的说。。。。

恋爱的时候总觉得她是特别的。 听起来理所当然,不过她其实也只是个普通人呢。 


甜甜甜@别府 “是连不上wifi了嘛?" 

"嗯“ @雀  亲~ ”我连上wifi了~“ @世吹雀X别府









卷X卷姐@剧中= 人生有三道坡:上坡、下坡,总是没想到

灰常好看! 看完后还会记得剧中角色的日剧灰常好看!!

Monday, August 7, 2017

《東京白日夢女》 2017 日劇

吉高由里子好可爱呢。 嗯。推荐的日剧。 自从日剧离开黄金年代就很少看日剧了。。 就这个是推荐的。 类似长假的坏坏的爱情剧。喜爱年长的女人。 Perfume 「TOKYO GIRL」 MV 不错, 很好听。 “金发”果然出众。 很金,很金那种。 很凶,很酷的 “金发” 女人“GET”。。。 起初觉得女配角不起眼,后来就慢慢适应了。还好啦。。 喝酒的地方不错。 “金发”的运气只有熟女。。。。單身好過揀錯。。。速水直道飾演的奧田是完美男,就是个木头人。。。 早坂(鈴木亮平飾)老土,看起来老实,但其实就是土。。 外遇也可以很精彩,很潇洒的结束。 回头草有时候吃也无妨。。。 来个镜头嘛。。 最后都没有与“金发”在一起的镜头失望呢。。

Saturday, July 22, 2017

回我的家 (2012) 日剧 10集

山口智子是很棒的母亲,完全没有骂小孩的。虽然女儿在学校很皮。 父亲想说教也被摆了一道。 女儿的老师是妈妈的粉丝。 忘记了其中的细节。 主题是家庭大小事。 妈妈的料理,那个披萨年糕。 第二遍看了。 我竟然忘记爷爷过世了。 小矮人库纳最终还是没看见。 伪造小矮人库纳的小小脚印被发现。。。 找到小矮人库纳小小红帽。 菜穗(宫崎葵)饰,的男人竟然说什么不后悔离开她,是不合理的。 护士也是人不错的。 姐姐和妈妈的对白也是有趣的。 姐姐人生无聊,时不时来个离家出走。。。家人竟然说父亲料理比较好吃。。。 人临走前还是想吃炒面的。 “舔巧克力,舔巧克力” 广告,爷爷笑了说很无聊。。。。。 过后就挂了。 嗯,后悔是爱过的证据。 厕所里的日历写的。

Friday, July 21, 2017

Gravity Rush (PSVITA)

yes finally finished this 2012 game.... 5 years...... Short game. Great game. One of the must haves on the PSVITA library. Got it's ups and downs highs and lows . This game got me love and hate at the same time. I like the underground city the most. city area buildings is interesting to fly around too. Need time to recharge the skills felt weak on main character. In air combat, after u use the skill, the only attack is sky kick. very limited fighting technique. need to master the skill to kick the enemy precisely. This game is one of the game that utilizes the psvita camera to benefit the gameplay. the anime style story narration is really nice. hate that the last boss need to co-op with NPC . i really want to fight 1 on 1 (kick some ass) but .....

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Uncharted Golden Abyss finished (PSVITA)

yupp. finished in 10 days. what a personal record . I felt very indiana jones when playing this game minus the whip of course. This graphics are top notch since it made my PSVITA overheat at times. The most annoying part i must say is the waterfall part where drake have to dodge the rocks. took me sooo long to pass that part because it using the motion sensor.. Chase the girl is ok i guess. overall i think this is the only unharted game i will play since i felt its mostly rinse and repeat game play. advance, run, shoot, jump, climb , explosion , fight, and again and again. Great game. scenes, building is very good. the character is very good. Only bothers me is that drake jumps very far , inhuman in many ways. jump up a cliff like a monkey with his backpack full of tings inside. Chase is also very inhuman because she can follow him around. unlimited guns scattered around, its clearly an army which is pretty lousy on their budget management. LOL.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Eiyuu Senki (PS3 game)

Great game. Long one too.. At least longer then i expected it would be. too much side stories and filler missions though. Surprisingly tactical game at the middle part and the ending part. took me long time and frustration to clear this game. Goemon & Achilles is my MVP aside my main character. Rasputin is MVP in healing 100% front row. So it's pretty much god like mode turned on after equip Rasputin... Nyarlathotep as last boss seems less hard compare to Angolmois battle in my opinion.... Angolmois i fought few times but last boss i fight 1 time. LOL.

Mirror's Edge 2010 (pc game)

Mirror's Edge is a great game. Short, stunning beautiful action packed game. Sweat myself playing this game. love how you can jump from building to building and drop off high from the building. pretty tense some times. there are a few level designs tat is questionable of its difficulty, or bugs.. needed some tries to get pass. the cartoon cut scenes seems dated for this beautiful game. great job for creating another genre for gaming.

比海更深 (2016)

作者:郭连凯 链接: 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 在福茂宣布第69届戛纳电影节的官方片单的时候,最大的意外之一可能就是是枝裕和执导的新片《比海更深》被剔除出了主竞赛单元,而成为了次级单元“一种关注”的选择之一。虽然这并不能证明影片的质量好坏,但也在一定程度上说明,选片组委会对于过于高产且有些拘泥于自己风格的是枝裕和略显审美疲劳。《比海更深》的情节再简单不过,一个曾经是成功小说家,现在是落魄私家侦探的男人篠田良多,一个依然美丽,却已经另寻新欢的前妻;一个10岁左右,整天担心自己长不高的儿子;和一个刚刚失去陪伴40多年的老伴,孤身一人住在狭窄公寓的老母亲,这四个人在一个台风袭来的夜晚,机缘巧合的又重逢在一起生活了一晚的故事。《比海更深》的英文片名为After The Storm,一语双关,风暴Storm既指广义上的台风,也指这个家庭所经历的风暴。在导演阐述中,是枝裕和说道,这个故事灵感来源于2001年他的父亲去世,他母亲不得不孤身一人生活。《比海更深》讲的就是一个破碎的,失去父爱的家庭的故事。在进入台风的主线剧情之前,影片用大量的笔墨着力描写了阿部宽所饰演的落魄中年男子篠田良多的Loser生活:付不起离婚所应该支付的抚养金;不小心打破母亲家的玻璃,就躺在一边看着老母亲自己收拾残局;好不容易通过跟踪外遇的丈夫赚到一笔钱,一个转身就拿去赌博。而有趣的是,以往这样一个令人生厌的角色在是枝裕和的镜头下,竟然显得有些可爱。这些都得益于是枝裕和巧妙地台词设计,恰到好处的笑料与可爱的人物细微动作,让一切混蛋行为都得以在观众心中豁免,变得不那么讨厌。在影片的前半部分,拜托篠田跟踪自己有外遇的丈夫贵妇在看到丈夫与别的女人偷换的照片时说道:“为什么我的生活会变成现在这样?”,篠田似乎领悟到了什么,回家之后默默在即时贴上写下这个问句,贴在桌前,但密密麻麻的即时贴似乎也就从侧面印证了,这个男人为什么会变成这样。“比海更深“的是是枝裕和的家庭哲学。是枝裕和自从出道伊始,几乎就只讲了两个主题,一是儿童,另一就是家庭。这么多年下来,他逐渐的形成了属于自己的家庭哲学,也渐渐的成为他电影中的一个符号,时不时的出现。从《步履不停》的以家庭聚餐为线索,到《海街日记》中奶奶酿的梅子酒,再到《比海更深》中,已经去世的老父亲最爱吃的咖喱酱,是枝裕和用拍美食篇的方法让坐在银幕前的观众咕咕直叫的同时,也完美的串联起了影片中家庭成员的关系、与传承。一瓶咖喱酱,就将已逝之人的灵魂再次带回到这个缺失父爱的家庭。带着儿子去吃比麦当劳更好的汉堡也成为了值得一提的事迹。影片最开始母亲用牛奶自制的冰激凌,带来了很多笑料,也更深层次的挖掘了人物。食物,是日本文化重要的组成部分,也是是枝裕和电影中必不可少的元素之一。总体来说,《》是一部比是枝裕和以往作品格局更小的影片,影片的主要家庭场景也从传统的带院子的房子搬到了狭小的公寓,就连开个冰箱都要坐在餐桌上的人往前探身才行。是枝裕和用更加克制的手法去诠释这个故事,在风暴过后之后,一家人的生活似乎又回到了以往的样子,而这一次风暴到底有没有给他们的关系带来哪怕一点微小的改变呢?是枝裕和没有说,他也不必说,因为这就是我们生活的样子。 以上的都是抄来的,因为写的很好。 很写实的故事,演员选得好。 阿部宽和姐姐斗嘴的画面精彩。 甚至被姐姐摆了一道。。。 角色故事多变化。 多次强调生活往往不受自己控制。 多次强调生活不好不要怪时代不好,即使生活好与不好,一样可以生存下去。 这种电影很舒服,写实,人性真实一面,很平凡但是很有味道。 说不出的心里感触良多。

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

小森林 夏秋篇 冬春篇

小森林 夏秋篇 美食,烹饪,美女,美丽乡村,竟然和人生扯上关系。 女主角因为要逃避城市生活而逃回了乡下(小森林)。 女主角认为这样会对不起小森林,因为那里的居民是认真而勤奋地在小森林生活的。 回忆着母亲煮的菜肴,研究,学习母亲的手艺, 慢慢成长,鼓起勇气,重新出发。 在某个地方摔倒时 每次回头看之前的自己 发现每次都在同一个地方摔倒 尽管一直很努力 却总在同一个地方画圆圈 徘徊到最后不过是回到了原点很让人失落 但是每次,积累下了经验 所以不管是失败还是成功,都不再是原点 那么——不应该叫“圆圈”而应该是“螺旋”从某一个角度看,仿佛是在同一个地方兜转 其实,多少会偏离上一点或下一点 如果是那样也还好 也许,人本身就是“螺旋”在同一个地方兜兜转转 每次却有不同,或上或下或横着延伸出去 我画的圆每次在不断变大 所以,螺旋每次也在不断变大 想到这里觉得自己还是应该再努力一把

菊次郎的夏天 (1999 movie)

菊次郎的夏天. fun. it has been long time to find a movie that can be described as delinquent. definitely slow paced and some unnecessary scenes. the scene that shows gambling is interesting the middle car ride part is interesting. the last part playing with friends is messy. overall if taken out the unnecessary scenes will be a great film.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Man Called Ove (2015)

A Man Called Ove is a stunning movie. He is a kind hearted man and saved a lot of people. So people helped him back in return. Life is about recalling your old memories. Life is full of twist, happiness and sadness can come in the same time . totally recommended movie.

Super mario land (Gameboy)

Yes, this game is from my childhood. Still remember sweating my hands holding the heavy 4xAA battery brick gameboy balck and white marathon for hours because there is no save game function back then. Now we have the back lit and colored gameboy and with save state function. Awesome nostalgia play.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

喜宴 (1993)

好了,李安父亲三部曲都看完了。觉得很不错。 细节里带了很多内容。 郎雄都是父亲。 父亲不会总是套在传统观念里面,会追求变通。 华人的喜宴就是那么的喧哗。 在传统下,华人总是低头认了。 很精彩的电影。

推手 (1991)

A very interesting movie in asian perspective. This is a movie for the asian market. The right actors, the right accent, the right timing. A great movie.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Disgaea PC (PS2 Game)

just finished it with normal ending. About 80 hours in. Satisfied and ready to move on. Great game. So i heard there's this Etna mode. So i just youtube it without playing the 2nd time. I guess Etna mode is more hilarious. Flonne is my fav character . Voice acting for Flonne and Etna is top notch. Story is mostly Love freak. Super space detective Etna... Horse Wiener.. dangerous?? Defender of earth is quirky. Angle trainee Flonne is nin nin.... ninja assassinate Laharl. LOL.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

飲食男女 (1994)

原汁原味的电影。 看了几遍。 岁数不一样,看的东西不一样。 岁数小,看的都是色香味美。 岁数大看的就是经历,细节,看了就会回味无穷。 好好看的一部电影。 曾经当过厨师的我,看见郎雄走进中央厨房那一幕确实紧张了一下。 厨房很大,很大。 那宴席的场面非常大。 身为厨师的我看见这么大的厨房会手软。。。 女儿三个都很可爱。 男人必须会烧一手好菜呀。 烧菜是一门学问,但是老实说,烧菜的人往往没有胃口吃自己煮的东西。 有机会还要回味几次的。。。

Entaku (2014 movie)

very interesting story. very strange but very true scenes. why are we happy ? why are we sad? the age where we don't understand most things. the time that we are naive and cannot differentiate between good or bad. why questions while growing up story . children have soo many free time during summer vacations.. the homework of dead mosquitoes make me laugh so hard. seriously... very interesting cast and enjoyable movie. 3 sisters is good.

minions (2015 movie)

a very average movie showing how the minions found their boss.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

开饭啦 2016 电影

feels amateur maybe have something to do with malaysia.. story board is childish but overall is entertaining enough not to bore the viewers. chicken rice is delicious.

Himitsu (1999) movie

A movie well done. dwell deep into details and capture the soul. every scene is delicate. Ryoko is cute as usual. marriage scene and light tower ice cream scene is memorable. Shame did not watch earlier. waiting for a perfect moment i guess.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Secret Life of Pets (2016) movie

very average 1 crazy rabbit. 1 crazy in love dog that fights really hard. That voice is very sexy. Jenny Slate her name.

11.14 (2003 movie)

really good. i cannot take my eyes off the screen. its a movie. the actors were awesome. 11.14 is the time she died shown in the cellphone. always wondering what was it all about the title. that night was crazy. a series of things happened one after another. she was hot. really hot.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

when marnie was there (2014 movie)

this is a beautiful one. that kind of film that we call it delicate. the nostalgic ghibli feel , familiar ghibli characters. beautiful work of art and wonderful music sound track. this is leaning towards the adult side. the reality world that is harsh and cruel. slowly it took us towards the fantasy side and eventually we came back with a happy ending.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zootopia (2016 movie)

animals act very humanly. a very fresh vibe. sly fox and dumb bunny. rat god father..... interesting movie.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Serpico (1973 movie )

Al pacino. very good actor. nice movie , nice atmosphere with girlfriend but ruined by his good cop ambition. will not submit to the corruption till the end. his fellows not back him up in raid and he get shot in the face but he survived. he gets his gold shield but abandoned the police force in the end.

Monday, March 6, 2017

witcher 3 ( PC game)

Ah.. Witcher 3. Finally a game , a RPG worth playing in the recent years. other games could learn from this game. cinematic story telling mode is the best thing a player could want. Hot female character like Triss Merigold is superb. Geralt's taste towards Yennefer is abit too strong my opinion. Yeah Ciri is not bad either. I got the Ciri became witcher and Geralt get her the swallow sword. 190+ hours into the game and finished it the main game only. Huge map. tons of things to do. gwent the card game is awesome too. what i dislike is that u need to climb down from horse to pick up items. the music is very good. battle sound track is very good. the final few bosses very good. overall a 10/10 game of the year.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

criminal lovers (1999 movie)

its story about teenagers lovers killers and homo... yeah got that awkward homo section that stood out. the hunter was too macho for homo i guess.... said was killed for flirting with Alice...

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Magnificent Seven (2016)

The Magnificent Seven (2016). should be ok. Overall not much flaws, died 4 heroes, should make them bullet proof. not much of a happy ending. 50% happy ending maybe... not much of the star dust either. the most important thing a movie should have is star dust, and a happy ending. yes before the heroes died we had some entertainment.

图雅的婚事 (2006)

图雅的婚事让我重新认识了中国蒙古。 生活的艰难,生活的不得已。 让我认识了余男。 认识了王全安。 要看看王全安的作品,适合我的口味,简单又有味道。

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Nanny Diaries (2007)

well, sweet story and what a lifestyle. all the riches seems to have a nanny. as always Scarlett Johansson is spot on awesome. captain america is there too. lol.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Conan the Barbarian (1982)

great movie. the starting is very good. the pace is slow at the middle. Arnold Schwarzenegger is young and huge. really the barbarian.

Walk the Line (2005)

pretty tense story of a singer that i am not familiar with. we are more familiar with elvis for oldschool stuff. great story of him and june. reese done it again.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Pleasantville (1998) movie

i guess this film will remain one of my favorites of all time movie. black and white and color. really good cast. the oldschool settings reminded me of the truman show. swell. nostalgic indeed. 2017 holiday movies. reese was at the top of the hill. love this movie.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

really really bad day indeed.

fargo (1996 movie)

well made. watch this film on a cold rainy day is very suitable. there is killing, there is ransom, there is detective, there is criminal on the run. how she found the kidnappers is mystery where is the money is mystery too.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sensei to mayoi neko (2015)

yes about a stray cat and a bunch of peole that like to feed him. film these days doesn't have any budget to film the ending. nope you audience cant see the ending cause we ain't have that kind of budget. LOL. Only have the bell sound so you can imagine yourself.

变脸 (1997 movie)
