Wednesday, January 28, 2015

关于完全听不懂老公在说什么的事 (2014 ANIME)

看完了动画后非常过瘾,忍不住追了漫画。这个漫画我非常喜欢。非常期待第二季的到来。薰怀了BB呢。。。虽然每集只有10分钟。宅男和一个大几年的女生结婚的确是我的梦想。薰虽然不是很了解宅文化但是卖萌确实是我喜欢的部分。吸烟的部分也加分了呢。。同人志,腐男子,兄控的弟弟其实就是重口味呢。【如果给孩子取名的话,男的叫真嗣,女的就叫丽】 这个经典。 现实生活和2ch是有差别的。大概很多剧中对白没有办法用在现实生活。 例如 【攻】 和 【受】 的对白。。。【我们】的确喜欢胸部。。 剧情非常短,但是让人深受感动。薰一个人在家喝酒吸烟,看动画突发而来的空虚和寂寞,哭了。让我发觉到原来人始终是怕孤单的一个动物。也让我从无所谓的宅男文化中有了动摇和觉醒。 【人始终是一个怕孤单的动物】。我必须从【不结婚】的自由,【恋爱幸福】和 【家庭幸福】中寻找一个平衡点。 其中很多细节需要考量。毕竟和另一半一起不幸福的话,也没有意义。 薰虽然不是很了解宅男文化,但是她尝试了解与接受是非常重要的呢。也许这就是幸福,就是爱的力量。

The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013 movie)

A folktale well told. This is a tale about a princess born form a bamboo stalk and her origin was the moon. Her task is to live as human and feel the birds,bugs beasts, grass,trees, and flowers and love the earth. but this is the least of reason we know . The shining bamboo stalk made her adopt parents rich and able to live as a noble people in miyako. she was given the title " princess kaguya " by the government servant in miyako. she was forced to become a princess and receive a teacher.she is not happy in miyako since loosing her friends and a boring lifestyle. As she reached the age to marry she immediately received 5 suitors and she refused by giving them the impossible task to find the legendary treasure they describe he as. they failed. one of them died and make her very sad. the suitors failure spike the interest of the emperor and he decide to have a visit. princess kaguya escape by activating her powers and the gods from the moon informed her that she will have to return to the moon on the 15th of august. During the remaining times, princess kaguya was able to return to her childhood home in the country and meet her childhood friend that she liked. they tried to fled but not successful. princess kaguya was taken back by the gods from the moon and the robe makes her sorrows forgotten. yet tears still flow from her very eyes... i was expecting a more romantic storyline because she is a princess after all. but as a folktale it's well remain as it is i suppose. A very beautiful and stunning water colour animation production from Studio Ghibli . the theme song is a very beautiful classic well done Hisaishi. Just a little disappointed that the director was Isao Takahata. Just isn’t the same.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

還珠格格 (1998 drama)

环珠格格,看了又看,百看不厌也。 经典的好戏,经典的剧情,经典的紫薇,经典的小燕子呀。十年前看过,忘记了细节,再看一遍,回味无穷也。经典对白 : 山无棱 天地合 才敢与君绝。 好美的境界呀。十年以后,如果再想回味,也会再看一遍。 现在还是继续看一看环珠格格2.