Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Anthem of the Heart (2015 anime)

There are things that we not want others to know of. There are things that we just keep it to out heart. This movie reminds us to shout out what we truly thinks in our heart. We must follow our heart and shout out the truth and take action.  It's the only solution.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

山中的汤姆先生 (2015 movie)

山中的汤姆先生, 原来汤姆先生指的是他们养的一只猫。乡下生活很不方便呢。 买东西要走一小时的路。 日本好多关于乡下的电影。 大概年轻人都不喜欢呆在乡下。 就多了电影鼓励大众回归乡下生活吧。养猫是因为需要抓老鼠。 乡下生活确实很安逸。 看见好多小朋友到家里玩的画面很有趣。 小朋友们呆在婆婆的店吃零食的画面也是有趣。 乡下种菜,养鸡,养羊,自己种自己吃的生活其实很不错的。

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ghost in the Shell (2017 movie)

Well, I am in for Scarlett Johansson. This film if success is because of her and Takeshi. Other things maybe the Geisha robot. Other things is not too interesting. Clearly there are some mistake in the art direction part which is messy on the street buildings.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Koe no Katachi (2016)

Koe no Katachi, a silent voice is beautiful. The characters is well done. heart warming. Bullying is a brutal crime and it can get back to you even after very long time. Social life can be cruel some times.  Jump off building and not die is happen only in anime. To bad we couldn't see those love birds together.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Boiling Point (1990)

Boiling Point (1990) 

Interesting Kitano film. Main character is baseball player. Involved in gangster fight. Ask for help through his former gangster friend. His friend was badly injured. He plot for revenge. He get help from Kitano . Flowers on Kitano's head was epic and memorable. flower and machine gun combination was violent indeed. They got the gun but don't know how to use it is very sad. self sacrifice in explosion is unexpected. The ending was back to the time when he was still in the toilet. maybe he is daydreaming... 

Yuriko Ishida is beautiful.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Exist Archive (2015 PSVITA Game)

Just finished it.

This is a great JRPG . A very Final Fantasy-ish game especially t here is crystals involved.

 The story is based on fantasy but is pretty much related to real world problems. During the game all the characters kept being reminded of their real world problems on earth from the voices through the crystals. From gamers point of view this is not likable since most of the gamers want go submerge into the fantasy world  because they had real world problems but during this game the crystals kept reminding the characters' problems or past evens on earth.

The only problems that i got from this game is that this game requires tons grinding. Defeating the same dungeon over and over again. 

There are two types of game play in this game.

first there is this 2D side scrolling action platforming before you encounter the enemies. The 2D side scrolling game play felt very classic , very similar to Megaman games.

After u encounter the enemies there is this one button mapped turn based fighting mechanic which is something fresh and new. Its something best described as a hybrid between old school final fantasy battle menu with some tactical strategy moves and shortcuts with some fighting combos from fighting games.

The characters is interesting and lovable. The English localization voice acting is top notch. In fact i played the whole game with only English voice.

The last few dungeons are very interesting and last few bosses are pretty challenging if you do not have enough levels because the bosses can really knock off huge chunk of hp bar in one single turn.

I played the PSVITA version. I should play the PS4 version because i think its graphics are better and more smoother.

I heard there are multiple ending in this game. But i go forth the better one. Where they defeated the boss and all is sent back to earth while Mayura which is hospitalized on earth is cured by Yamatoga's immortality powers . They are together but cursed with immortality powers. The end.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo (2011 anime)

Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo was Makoto Shinkai's complete clone of Ghibli Studio with added spice and boosted graphics.

This story is simple to understand and filled with heart skipping moments like the first bear-like monster encounter.

The forehead kiss is a interesting try.

The scene where Asuna save a little girl from Izoku (shadow creatures) is exiting as well.

The fact that Asuna was captured with the little girl indicates that Asuna indeed is a mix blood. His father definately is from Agatha.

Another hint might be that when she heard the voice from her radio she felt that she need to go to the place she belongs.

Asuna's run towards the hilltop is pretty energetic.

Its scene is beautiful.

the god that has many eyes, have the power to revive a soul from the dead. But Morisaki has to pay a price (his eye) to revive his wife.

The ending is not concluded ... Shin that is being labeled an outcast because he helped topside people did not go to the topside. Where could Shin belong?

Morisaki that is blinded emotionally and physically did not go back to to topside as well.

However, Asuna was given back the clavis shard from Shin, maybe as a hint that she will want to revisit Agatha again in future. 

The place promised in our early days (2004 anime)

The place promised in our early days is beautiful. as in visuals. 


mainly the story is that hiroki promised Sayuri to fly her to the tower.


Sayuri was sick and goes into coma.

Sayuri appears to have been in a parallel world but she manage to invite Hiroki into it as well.

hiroki again promised to Sayuri to bring her to the tower.


finally hiroki really managed to bring Sayuri to the tower and it really heals her and she lost most of the memories but life will go on.


hiroki destroys the tower.


again not much explanation about what is the purpose of the tower in details.