Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chocolat (2000 film)

Great performance from Juliette Binoche. Great story telling material. So there is a time where chocolate is not allowed. The north wind travels from place to place to pass on the secret chocolate recipe from place to place and to help others. tired of traveling, she finally settles in one place where she had been accepted as a local in the end of the story. The count finally set foot in the chocolate shop [MAYA] and eat all he wanted LOL .

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tony Takitani (2004 film)

well, before watching this i have no idea that it was supposed to be a sad story. i thought it was some what fantasy linked. so it has disappointed me in some way. its my nature not to like sad stories. his wife died in car accident. he tried to replace her by someone else. he sold all her clothes. i guess he is richer in some way. his father died and left him valuable record . he doesn't seem to care. At last he seems to care to call the replacement girl who had sobbed in the once before rich with cloths room. Overall is sad. from loneliness to happiness and to loneliness again. At last he reached out for happiness again...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Poison Ivy II : Lily (movie 1995)

The cast is okay. The story is very normal.. More to the psycho part. A student (Alyssa Milano) becomes daring after reading the diary of a teen seductress in a sequel that's barely related to the original...Alyssa Milano is a charm. The evil charm. At the end she explained herself as she is different so she was not to be accepted at where she came from. In the new place she tried so hard to be sexy and seductive to be accepted. So many incident happened and at last she still can have happiness.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Poison Ivy (1992)

Poison Ivy, just watched few days ago. Drew Barrymore is the poison, my kind of poison. I think this is her best film in my opinion. I felt that i am in the 90s back again watching this movie. I thought this movie is sort of normal or just trash but surprisingly its very enjoyable. The this is my dog scene is enjoyable. The tattoo guy scene is cool, where he spits his beer to make it sterile. "One day with the top down is better than a lifetime in a box," "I mean, most girls don't fly through the air with their skirt around their waist." A must watch movie.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

最完美的离婚 (2013 日剧)

最完美的离婚 2013 日剧。 灰常好看。 推荐,赞赞的日剧。 傻傻纯纯的爱,夫妻之间的矛盾,还有一堆外遇的离婚到最后还是没有成功离婚。 8.9分豆瓣的确是对的。 有认真的丈夫,也有花心的丈夫。 有随便的太太,也有细心的太太。 夫妇不一定是家人。 签了字,就是夫妇。