Saturday, July 22, 2017

回我的家 (2012) 日剧 10集

山口智子是很棒的母亲,完全没有骂小孩的。虽然女儿在学校很皮。 父亲想说教也被摆了一道。 女儿的老师是妈妈的粉丝。 忘记了其中的细节。 主题是家庭大小事。 妈妈的料理,那个披萨年糕。 第二遍看了。 我竟然忘记爷爷过世了。 小矮人库纳最终还是没看见。 伪造小矮人库纳的小小脚印被发现。。。 找到小矮人库纳小小红帽。 菜穗(宫崎葵)饰,的男人竟然说什么不后悔离开她,是不合理的。 护士也是人不错的。 姐姐和妈妈的对白也是有趣的。 姐姐人生无聊,时不时来个离家出走。。。家人竟然说父亲料理比较好吃。。。 人临走前还是想吃炒面的。 “舔巧克力,舔巧克力” 广告,爷爷笑了说很无聊。。。。。 过后就挂了。 嗯,后悔是爱过的证据。 厕所里的日历写的。

Friday, July 21, 2017

Gravity Rush (PSVITA)

yes finally finished this 2012 game.... 5 years...... Short game. Great game. One of the must haves on the PSVITA library. Got it's ups and downs highs and lows . This game got me love and hate at the same time. I like the underground city the most. city area buildings is interesting to fly around too. Need time to recharge the skills felt weak on main character. In air combat, after u use the skill, the only attack is sky kick. very limited fighting technique. need to master the skill to kick the enemy precisely. This game is one of the game that utilizes the psvita camera to benefit the gameplay. the anime style story narration is really nice. hate that the last boss need to co-op with NPC . i really want to fight 1 on 1 (kick some ass) but .....

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Uncharted Golden Abyss finished (PSVITA)

yupp. finished in 10 days. what a personal record . I felt very indiana jones when playing this game minus the whip of course. This graphics are top notch since it made my PSVITA overheat at times. The most annoying part i must say is the waterfall part where drake have to dodge the rocks. took me sooo long to pass that part because it using the motion sensor.. Chase the girl is ok i guess. overall i think this is the only unharted game i will play since i felt its mostly rinse and repeat game play. advance, run, shoot, jump, climb , explosion , fight, and again and again. Great game. scenes, building is very good. the character is very good. Only bothers me is that drake jumps very far , inhuman in many ways. jump up a cliff like a monkey with his backpack full of tings inside. Chase is also very inhuman because she can follow him around. unlimited guns scattered around, its clearly an army which is pretty lousy on their budget management. LOL.