Sunday, April 30, 2017

Disgaea PC (PS2 Game)

just finished it with normal ending. About 80 hours in. Satisfied and ready to move on. Great game. So i heard there's this Etna mode. So i just youtube it without playing the 2nd time. I guess Etna mode is more hilarious. Flonne is my fav character . Voice acting for Flonne and Etna is top notch. Story is mostly Love freak. Super space detective Etna... Horse Wiener.. dangerous?? Defender of earth is quirky. Angle trainee Flonne is nin nin.... ninja assassinate Laharl. LOL.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

飲食男女 (1994)

原汁原味的电影。 看了几遍。 岁数不一样,看的东西不一样。 岁数小,看的都是色香味美。 岁数大看的就是经历,细节,看了就会回味无穷。 好好看的一部电影。 曾经当过厨师的我,看见郎雄走进中央厨房那一幕确实紧张了一下。 厨房很大,很大。 那宴席的场面非常大。 身为厨师的我看见这么大的厨房会手软。。。 女儿三个都很可爱。 男人必须会烧一手好菜呀。 烧菜是一门学问,但是老实说,烧菜的人往往没有胃口吃自己煮的东西。 有机会还要回味几次的。。。

Entaku (2014 movie)

very interesting story. very strange but very true scenes. why are we happy ? why are we sad? the age where we don't understand most things. the time that we are naive and cannot differentiate between good or bad. why questions while growing up story . children have soo many free time during summer vacations.. the homework of dead mosquitoes make me laugh so hard. seriously... very interesting cast and enjoyable movie. 3 sisters is good.

minions (2015 movie)

a very average movie showing how the minions found their boss.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

开饭啦 2016 电影

feels amateur maybe have something to do with malaysia.. story board is childish but overall is entertaining enough not to bore the viewers. chicken rice is delicious.

Himitsu (1999) movie

A movie well done. dwell deep into details and capture the soul. every scene is delicate. Ryoko is cute as usual. marriage scene and light tower ice cream scene is memorable. Shame did not watch earlier. waiting for a perfect moment i guess.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Secret Life of Pets (2016) movie

very average 1 crazy rabbit. 1 crazy in love dog that fights really hard. That voice is very sexy. Jenny Slate her name.

11.14 (2003 movie)

really good. i cannot take my eyes off the screen. its a movie. the actors were awesome. 11.14 is the time she died shown in the cellphone. always wondering what was it all about the title. that night was crazy. a series of things happened one after another. she was hot. really hot.