Saturday, August 22, 2015

C.A.T Cyber Attack Team (xbox JAP game)

well, this is the first xbox game i finished. Yeah. What strange title this is. Well, at least it's all in Japanese and with basic understanding of Japanese dialogue i finished the game and understand 90% of the story. I can say it's fairly easy game. Can definitely finish it in one go if you know the mechanics. The final boss is pretty easy since she cannot attack me. Maria- aka the final boss. the interesting plot of this game is that we need cute school girls to link to the cyber field to attack monsters. in the cyber field they need to transform into cat theme battle uniform.... Yeah, you will have to watch the transformation scene every time they go into the battlefield. So it's like watching sailor moon transform inside the anime. this is a SLG so it's pretty much figured. certain blockage can only be removed by certain characters. there's skill to collect in every battle and usually need to grab it by luck. the battlefield usually is on the computer motherboard so can see cpu, ram, capacitors, pretty interesting concept for me ... pretty short but fun, total 14 chapters. the down side is that the save slot is only limited to 10 and i need to erase previous ones to save until the end. every chapter require around 1 hour to complete. so i guess at least i used 14 hours to fin this game. Well, hope there's more of this type of games in the future . hopefully is translated so we can fully 100% enjoy the content, but since most of the story mode dialogues are full voiced ,regular anime series audiences basically can figure the story easily.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dirty Pair: Project Eden (1986 movie)

Dirty Pair: Project Eden is the movie based on a series. never watch the series but the movie is fairly interesting for now because the movie is so dated for now. i think for it's time it's a smash hit. I like the art style and character design. love em.the plot is weak for me and i never liked aliens and stuff. prefer more fantasy and more dirty...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Renoir (2012 movie )

It's a beautifully made film. very artistique in a french way. will never understand a word without the subtitles. It's very pleasing for those who wonder what an artist that made a fortune from his painting would look like. I guess no one will ever guessed that a famous painter who makes tons of money will end up with hand decease. Well the good side is that he can watch fresh boobs all day long with his eyes and enjoys the skin reflection . beautiful actress. they story is driven by artistiqe sense. passionate, and anger, not too much to say but the boobs itself is worth of watching though.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pulp Fiction (1994 movie)

pulp fiction is by all means a very pleasing experience to me. Watch it few times. What really stay in my head was when Samuel L Jackson read the bibles and pop a CAP into someone's head. That was the only thing i remembered from my last viewing. Well, today i decided to experience that again to find out what had i missed. It seems that i had forgotten lots of the interesting plots. Very very interesting plots. from the start the movie pumps pure adrenaline to the viewer's brain by crime and hit the sweet spot by drugs, guns and crazy dialogues. After that it offers $5 milkshake and crazy OD situation. Then there is this boxer that cared too much about his dad's watch and even risk his life for it. When the boxer nearly escaped form a bizarre situation he return to rescue his enemy and he is forgiven . too much blood and violence but it's cool in a way. the blood cleaning in the car and shirt changing situation is very special. it totally deserves a chapter. 10/10 remarkable movie.