Monday, April 27, 2015

The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013 movie)

very well filmed. Hope there's more interesting movies similar to this genre. More into the invention would be nice. "The amazing thing about water drops is that they always take the path of least resistance. For humans it's exactly the opposite. " this is really interesting. But 10 years old is too young for a inventor. the tragedy of his little brother is sad.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

铁腕神厨 (42集漫画)

铁腕神厨是我最喜欢的漫画之一。 前面十集左右很好看。过后有关于他自己的故事其实都很凄凉。为何选择一个人赎罪呢。。。关于他自己的结尾都没有交代呢。 其实就是很多部分的故事开头到结尾都一样。就是吃了他煮的菜后走向正轨。看多了就乏味。总之就是看完了。如果可以分享他的技术我想应该会更好。

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Amelie (2001 movie)

Maybe this is the 2nd or 3rd time watching, i don't remember. Audrey Tautou gives excellent film as always. Special kind of love for a unique woman. the photo album consists of torn and unwanted passport sized photos is brilliant idea for a story. Amelie's strange side of justice gives humour and pleasure to watch. Her delinquent actions leads her into her love that have the same ideals as hers. A good story well told.

Monday, April 6, 2015

被舍弃的人们 捨てがたき人々 (2013 movie)

嗯。。怎么说呢。主角和女主角是被社会舍弃的人。 但是命运安排使到她们俩结婚生子。简单来说还是男主角强暴了女主角。女主角是被人们舍弃的傻逼,就没有其他选择情况下和男主角在一起。男主角也只不过是一个没用的人渣,就会冲动,找机会,找女人操。姐姐也不放过。 后来竟然发现是同道中人。。。两个不幸的人生下的孩子是不幸的。 起码剧本是如此。

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Aldnoah Zero (2014 anime)

Aldnoah Zero mission complete. This means war ended in 2014. completed the first season. Well, we loved gundam. Gundam is not giving us this awesome anime, so screw gundam. Basically what is done here is very clever. this anime gives us the awesome Asseylum hime that is kawaii and have aldnoah zero power and a peace lover. the main character do tries to hide his facial expression and gives us the poker face till the end. dies with a smile though. the gundam in here looks awesome . improved gundam if u ask me. hmm. the battle scene is very interesting since the main character is able to defeat all of the enemy units till the end. mostly is using his tactical brain very well. screw the enemy units by exploiting their weakness. yeah, very clever thinking that makes the plot very enjoyable. or shall we say mind blowing. the final boss is big and like a toy using 5 units to combine into 1 big unit. This is the feel of the big boss. ULTIMATE FORM!! Yet it still have major weakness... lol. repeated by our hero Inaho "this war after all" big flying Yamato battleships is interesting and gives the adventure and battlefield feel. Just is not a perfect happy ending pisses me in some way that i am the type who like happy endings. How to stop the war? When the loss is to much and not beneficial in economy wise.... is really fucked up but it's the truth. hoping for their come back in 2nd season ... almost forgot > the music is awesome > gives me the vibe of awesomeness >>>>>>