Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Barakamon (anime 2014)

A calligrapher story. Got me excited and stick to the end. A new type of the anime genre. well polished characters and storyline. Nice calligraphy. the story is about life and how simple happiness can be with a simple life. Country life might not for all people because of the inconvenience. despite the inconveniences, the country side environment is very relaxing and the people is much much more friendly and loveable. Naru is a very loveable character. very energetic and very interesting . indestructible youth is priceless. well, now at my age i come to understand that i pretty much messed up my youth experiences. i can only blame my environment. i believe now that a country side environment is better for growing a children if in future i am lucky enough to build a family.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

等一个人咖啡 (2014 movie)

九把刀作品。比那些年好看多。内容是年轻人都喜欢的重口味多重内容,少年少女青春爱情故事,悲伤恋爱故事,黑帮打打杀杀流血事件,黑色幽默笑话,天使降临感人事件的童话,与魔术热豆花和烤香肠的邂逅。比基尼,大白菜与铁头功的组合绝对重口味。这电影让人觉得生活在科技发达的年代,大家都被科技宠坏了。大家天天都期盼有重口味的电影出现来迎合大家的重口味。 2014年的疯狂重口味电影。重口味外,演员与镜头都很美。

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

重慶森林 Chungking Express (1994 movie )

我不是第一次看这个电影了。最能让我回味的情节是王菲姐陶醉在《California Dreamin'》这首歌中与梁朝伟相恋。这首歌的音乐是让人陶醉的。夢中人--王菲 与 胡思亂想--王菲 很好。 这个电影分为连个故事。 前半段是金城武与林青霞,一段杀手与警察的故事。后半段,王菲与梁朝伟,王菲后来也成了空姐,梁朝伟从警察成了快餐店老板。 还是播放《California Dreamin'》。 故事很简单,但有时候电影就应该如此。