Tuesday, September 30, 2014

平成狸合戦 pompoko (1994 movie)

there's alot of raccoon for one movie that can transform into anything. they've transformed into human,gods,monsters,legendary ghosts to fight for their forest but at last they've lost to human and more and more died and extinct and some said blended into human lives... an enjoyable movie for children.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Don Jon (2013 movie)

well, i finished this movie just now and i was every excited. great movie indeed. Scarlett Johansson was definitely fabulous. it was recommended by my friend because i never heard of it before. this movie has to be recommend by a close friend because this involves porn.... it's not like we recommend a movie with porn content with just firends. it's a very sacred kind of thing ... for me, i think it's very relevant material to youngsters since we are in a time that we can grab porn by just clicking the browser. it's not like the old days when we need to go for a shop with porn movies. just a simple click and it's here popping out from the screen in HD. lol. i totally agree that real sexual intercourse is not the best sometimes if your partner not willing to totally loose herself into you. so if you find a girl that you can loose yourself into her then don't loose her .

Nisekoi /ニセコイ (2014 anime)

i finished this season 1 animation. there must be a season 2 for this. will be waiting .... to wait a lover for 10 years while not in contact at all is seems like a very irrational practice. what if the lover changes into someone that is different from before or they had changed their mind ... Raku Ichijo Chitoge Kirisaki Kosaki Onodera Shū MaikoMarika Tachibana. i need to remember their names hehe... my guest is that within this harem chitoge fits ichijo well and is pretty much gangster and gangster family marriage.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988 movie)

i watched it today. man this is a depressing story. describing the war in japan and the brother and sister became orphan and finally little sister died of malnutrition. it's more like a documentary. it's trying to tell the true event that happened during the war time. buildings being bombed and people escaped from their homes to the shelters. food is scarce and i think the story cannot go on if they stayed in the aunt's house.. just the brother is too stubborn and the aunt is over reacting. war brings destruction but war is still happening.

Friday, September 19, 2014

LUCY (2014 movie)

wow. just watched it with friends and feels good. Scarlett Johansson is very goddess like, very suitable for the film. sci-fi suitable perspective. basically it's a long and elaboration of the movie trailer. the movie traier had showed most of the interesting part in the movie. if have no time then just watch the trailer. i mostly get what's about the movie from the trailer. the part where lucy calls her mom to tell her that she remember and feels her childhood memory is the very good part. anyways will always support Scarlett Johansson.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Neighbor Totoro / となりのトトロ (1988 movie)

this is another movie from studio Ghibli that make me watch again and again and again. amazing story. fun and entertaining to watch. reminds me of the fearless childhood that we see adults is a scary cat. now that I’ve grown up i see the world differently and i too, became a scary cat because as adults there just too much stuff we own and scared that some day we might loose them and we are not afford to loose them because the time we have left is less and limited. the country side in the movie is lovely. the house is lovely. the characters are lovely. satsuki and mei is cute. totoro is the Ghibli icon.. lol .... long live studio Ghibli. the cat bus is very lively to sit on i guess.... i just cannot imagine that the huge totoro can fly on the small top spin. the scene where totoro receive the umbrella at the bus stop with the sisters is classic. just lovely . totally enjoyed it.

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / 風の谷のナウシカ (1984 film)

this is surely a amazing film. worth my time to watch again and again and again. it's very clear that we human do lots of pollution to the earth by war and lead to a very polluted environment. maybe we know by the time in 1984 but until now in 2014 we still see war . so we are like erm those are films, and war is war, war means business... so i hope our planet won't come out as bad in the film in the future... fantastic character Nausicaä. the princess. the one who care too much for the insects (ohm). now insects are small we crush them on everyday basis while in the film it's like a giant fortress and in huge numbers. it's obvious that human is outnumbered. the art style in the fil was beautiful. love the air glider. when we will get those? the bio-giant warrior is obviously an expired creature.. lol , after a few beams down fall the giant, laugh by ass off... well, the scene that the ohms revived Nausicaä + sound track is overkill stuff. very touching scene .just perfect. i mean, wow, they do that in 1984 is like WOW. thanks studio Ghibli .

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A頻道 A channel (2011 anime)

Tooru and Run have been best friends forever, so when Tooru learns that she's managed to get into the same high school as Run, she runs to tell her… only to find Run in a compromising position with yet another girl, Yuko. Needless to say, that makes things a bit awkward at school, with Tooru fending off those who might be interested in Run while Yuko and their other girlfriend, Nagi, have to deal with Run's own penchant for drama. 百木倫 透 由宇子 渚 鬼頭老師 the usual high school slice of life that is funny and peaceful and moe.

天空の城ラピュタ (1986 movie)

well, today i finished watching the amazing movie called laputa castle in the sky.. well, i know, i was born in 1986.. suppose to be my type of movie. yepp, it's very good and i watched the blue-ray version. i think this anime is hand painted.. soo beautiful and soo much work into it. pazu save sheeta from falling from the sky while the power of the laputa stone slows her falling. sheeta is the queen of laputa castle. the military capture her to obtain the laputa castle. pazu get sheeta back from military with help of the sky pirates. the laputa robot awaken and was destroyed. the laputa stone lead the military to the sky castle. sheeta and pazu managed to destroy the laputa castle with sheeta's spell. pazu and sheeta and the sky pirates escaped safe. the end.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

just friends (2005 movie)

i was shocked that this film is very good . very to my liking. the craziness of this film and at the same time meaningful really blends well. Anna Faris (Samantha James) is really really crazy in the movie and looks like very Britney spears young version . wow. thumbs up.. Amy Lysle Smart(Jamie Palamino) is good... as a town girl.. very sweet. bravo. romantic comedy well made.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

幽灵公主 もののけ姫 (1997)

赞一个!!~~~ 这个幽灵公主对我而言是一个很有纪念价值的动画。我念中学初四的时候有画一个幽灵公主与她的狼妈妈一起的壁画。。。 她口中还有血呢。。回想起来还真是很怀念呢。。还有血腥。。。 难怪老师会说那个画太凶的。。。。 大概有十年了吧。相隔十年后再看这部巨作还是津津有味呀。。久石让 (joe shiraishi) 与 宫崎骏 的动画, 绝了! 大自然,人类,与野兽的战争,最后还是得回复和平呢。。。 公主把肉片用自己的嘴巴咀嚼以后用口喂受伤的战士时我觉得这就是爱呀~ 完美剧情: 古时遭受侵略而移居远方的虾夷族青年阿席达卡,为拯救遭受危险的村人,右手被发狂的猪神诅咒。为解除诅咒的方法,阿席达卡决定到西方去流浪。   在旅行中他见到了一群由幻姬大人领导的贫穷人们。他们在麒鳞兽的森林开采铁矿,并在森林中建立炼铁厂。然而森林中的生物都视他们为敌,总是袭击人类。有着三百岁智能的犬神莫娜和被它养大的人类女孩"幽灵公主"阿桑更是时刻想杀死幻姬。阿席达卡既被阿桑所深深的吸引,理解"幽灵公主"保护森林的心情,但同时又想帮助人类。在战斗的过程中阿席达卡被麒鳞兽所救,立场更加摇摆不定。   以疙瘩和尚为首的一批人受领主的命令来杀麒鳞兽,更利用幻姬的力量与反攻人类的大批山猪作战。幻姬以火枪杀死麒鳞兽,失去头颅的麒鳞兽为了夺回自己的头对森林造成了极大的破坏。阿席达卡和阿桑合力将麒鳞兽的头颅从疙瘩和尚手里多回,并还给了愤怒的麒鳞兽,麒鳞兽的灵魂方才安息,被破坏的大自然又恢复了正常。   故事发生于日本的室町时代,从13XX年持续到15XX年,当时的社会处于战乱之中。   那时的人民为了躲避战火与苛政,纷纷逃入深山建立家园,放火烧山但却破坏了森林中动物们的生存环境,遭到野猪神、犬神带领的猛兽们的袭击。   少年战士阿席达卡,是战士一族的后裔,他为了保护村子,杀死了一只猪神,身中咀咒。为了解除咀咒,他来到西方的塔达拉镇。塔达拉的人民正饱受那里的犬神之害。更不可思议的是,那犬神竟抚养了一位少女,她头戴面具和犬神一起猎杀人类,人称幽灵公主——珊珊。命运之线将这两个年轻人紧紧地绑在了一起。   森林里的犬神、猪神及生灵的守护者是掌管生死的麒麟兽,它还掌握着解除咒语的方法。塔达拉的首领“幻姬”听信了朝廷奸细的小人之言,以为猎杀了麒麟兽,村民们就可以不受犬神之苦,一场血战已不可避免……   室町时代,北方山中的少年飞鸟因为射杀了邪神附体的野猪而受到诅咒,他出发远游,寻访解除右臂诅咒的方法。飞鸟途经一个制铁工厂,那里的女总督幻姬带领人们开采铁砂,不断破坏大森林,而被狼抚养长大的少女小桑则为了保护大自然,前来袭击他们。飞鸟阻止了双方的恶斗,背着受伤的小桑逃离困境,把她送回森林。而大自然的神灵与人类之间的争斗愈演愈烈,疙瘩和尚等人联合幻姬打到了猪神,夺走了森林之主麒麟神的头颅。失去头颅的麒麟神化身为恶魔不断袭击人类,造成了巨大的破坏。飞鸟和小桑抓住了疙瘩和尚,将头颅还给了麒麟神。最终,森林开始复苏……

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

勇者斗恶龙 达尔大冒险 1991-1992

勇者斗恶龙 达尔大冒险动画46集看完了。。。 还没结束呢。。。 大魔王还没打。。。 以前看过漫画的。好怀念呢,以前是去漫画店借回来看的。画得很好,很精彩。津津有味。 角色可以说是一流的。动漫我是希望可以高速一点的。 不过毕竟是旧动画呢。。。 阿邦旋风剑!!~呵呵~