Wednesday, August 20, 2014

hook (1991 movie)

Robin Williams, is peter pan...... rather disappointing i guess... well, this is a hard one i think. because everyone know the original version being so perfectly good and exciting and wanted to watch again , again and again for whatever reason. i remembered my childhood being soo boring at times and have lots of free time so i watch the Disney's peter pan dozens of times..... Wendy was always been the sweet lady to me when i was young... but in the movies, just forget about it... the pirates was the deal....their costumes are good looking... but there's just soo much a real human can do .. lol... i guess they should not make this film at all and just focus on the sequel on cartoons... but the little kid maggie was soo cute... so he made little fatty the next leader.... and he returned to the real world..... and i need to watch the original peter pan again... LOL.. R.I.P Robin Williams .

Toy Sotry 3 (2010 movie)

well, i know, I’ve been too busy to watch anything ... wow, it had been 4 years old already..... well, always the same characters... woody, buzz light year, jessie ... tooo infinity and beyond.......... missed the first 2 movies already .... "there's a snake in my boot!" LOL...well, kind of miss woody's girlfriend the bo peep. heard it was sold in the yard sale... hmm.... maybe hinted the next episode?? the new thing about buzz is the mexican character voice over.... lol totally new and dance very well. so jessie fell for him.. and we have Barbie, and ken with his so ANDY is no more playing the toy and given to Bonnie... very cute little new owner indeed..

Acchi Kocchi (2012 anime)

Acchi Kocchi, totally missed it when it comes out. totally liked it very very much. Tsumiki is very very cute... Io is the harem price that make everyone nosebleed... a lot of slice of life. a lot of gag inside. lots of otaku stuff inside. the best part i like was the tsumiki nyaan at the last episode while inside the story's mini RPG... LOL...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

SOS:The Final Escape (絶体絶命都市) (PS2 2003 )

okay, i finished this game today. total playtime 6 hours plus 33 minutes. ranked C. made soo many game saves and died soo many times in game. It's a very fragile game since a small miss-place will be game over. sometimes, it only accept one direct route. sometimes one second late will result in game over. i first discover this game was like one month ago on the internet and i was like " oh, i totally missed out on this type of game genre" since i always keep my radar for only JRPGs. well, it turns out a very satisfying game. 1st, it has easy mode which made me very happy. 2nd, it's not very long game play since i hate very long game play for certain games. some games i think it's too short..... but for this game i think it's just right . 3rd, interesting survival mode of drinking water and game saves. 4th, picking up items that you need for solving the puzzle and progress the game. 5th, have a interesting female character (karen) which i like very much and i have to save her again and again and again. it's just strange that she never said that she want to marry her saviour ........ i liked the first highway bridge was falling scenario when the game starts. like it best when i saved the female character (karen). i like it best when things get though i get to hold hands with karen...... what game do that these days...... (nice work game developers!!) while in the construction building with greg and karen , i like it best when it comes to karen ask for heading down the ladder first because she was not wearing any ....... you know .... classic .... and i cannot refuse ... damn...... this is bad. i hate it when i need to carry an old guy across a dried swamp while a huge tree was falling..... i see soo many game overs because i would like to find other options . but the only option is to follow Karen’s footsteps... lol.... make a DIY raft with karen is pretty much interesting too. and my opinion is that too much guns and destruction at the last part of the game since i always thought this game is about survival and saving people... guns, missiles, rifles ....... are too much , but it does spice up the game where i need to dodge them to survive..... well, i get the (ending 1) thing. so i better search youtube for other endings some times later...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

千與千尋 / 千と千尋の神隠し/せんとちひろのかみかくし (2001 movie)

完美的动画。 10/10 满分得分。充满色彩,幻想,动作,剧情。 看了六遍。看了广东话版本后再看日语版本的我有点别扭。。。 果然广东话版本比较亲切。毕竟是自己的语言。但是主角HAKU 叫千寻 SONATA 的时候,亲切的感觉来了~~。腐爛神出现绝对是看点。 鍋爐爺爺也是关键人物,给千寻找工作,给火车票。湯婆婆也未免头太大一点了吧。。。小少爺/寶寶变大变小绝对精彩。。。结局与白龍一起后分开相约以后见面的剧情令人有点担心。 在最后也没交代呢。 最后结束的音乐非常美丽动听。 谢谢宫崎骏与吉卜力工作室。

LEGO THE MOVIE (2014 the movie)

everything is awesome..... LUCY, EMMET, BATMAN. awesome stuff. super high quality life action LEGO movie. really brings back the nostalgia ages when i got the time of my entire childhood to play the LEGO bricks to fill my emptiness with full of imagination.... yepp spaceships definitely LOL.... double bunk sofa. LOL....

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

scent of a woman (1992 movie)

Al pacino. the great actor. the retired colonel. can identify the name of the perfume. handle ladies very well, tango and drive Ferrari blind. charlie was hired to accommodate colonel for thanksgiving and apparently colonel had planed a secret trip to New York, 1st class aeroplane, 1st class restaurant, hotel and limo. Donna and her nice tango. crazy Ferrari drive and police inspecting. charlie stop colonel from kill himself of depression. [WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW!!] [I AM IN THE DARK HERE !!!] charlie encourage colonel to live. colonel help charlie's trouble by a speech . charlie was mention as a guy when on the crossroads he choose the right path and hard part that is to be silence and not to betray his friends. appraised for his virtue . the end. nice fucking movie. this is suppose the 3rd time watching and it still stunts me .

Monday, August 11, 2014

街角洋果子店 (2011 movie)

传说中的名西点师十村辽太郎,可爱的蒼井優,乡下口音,干净雪白的厨师制服,漂亮的蛋糕店,好吃的蛋糕,高级的晚宴,温馨的结局。 一般的电影。

Saturday, August 9, 2014

NO GAME NO LIFE 遊戲人生 (anime 2014)

萌。伟大的作品。 【空白】 是无敌的组合。小裤裤总是可以看见。女主角实在是萌。很像电波少女缩小的改良版本。开始时小妹用脚控制滑鼠的神技已经让我津津有味。嗯,小裤裤无疑是完美搭配。克拉米·傑爾, 也是俺の妹的黑姖的改良版。 空與白既是尼特族又是家裡蹲,但是在網路上卻是被奉為都市傳說的天才遊戲玩家兄妹。 稱呼現實世界為「渣遊」的兩人,某一天被自稱是「神」的少年特圖召喚至異世界,那是個戰爭為神所禁止,「遊戲決定一切」的世界─沒錯,甚至連國界也一樣。 被其他種族逼至絕境,只剩下最後都市的「人類種」,空與白這兩個廢人兄妹能夠成為這異世界之中的「人類救世主」嗎? 「來吧,遊戲開始了。」 棋子,游戏里的种族都是棋子~~ 流口水~~期待第二季呢~~

Saturday, August 2, 2014

一週的朋友 (2014 anime)

女主角很单纯,可爱。一周会后忘记朋友的记忆。reset 记忆。 只限于朋友的记忆很令人怀疑。小学和朋友吵架分手后遇上车祸的后遗症。男主角问她(香織)要不要交个朋友。沙希很萌,希望将吾成為自己的丈夫。 表示后尴尬。。。少年,青春,轻松的动画。