Tuesday, July 29, 2014

妖怪手表 / youkai watch ( 2014 anime )

妖怪手表看完了第一季。已期待第二季啦~~ 很轻松,精彩,活泼可爱的动画。可代替已年老的pokemon。 地缚猫非常可爱。主角是一个普通的少年,天野景太。 扭蛋机扭到了妖怪手表。真言婆婆很厉害~ 小狛也是非常可爱 : ) 很像奥运吉祥物 @。@ 呵呵。。。

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

little Nemo : the dream master ( 1990 NES game )

this game resembles my childhood. I only have 3 game cartridges during my childhood . 1.ninja turtle 2.little nemo 3.100 in one games. i checked this game out. made in 1990 by capcom ... wow ... classic.... i 1st played this game was 15 years ago with a CRT tv and a cartridge console. the problem about the cartridge console was that the cartridge games at that time doesn't carry game saves. so it's not possible to resume from your last progress. you will have to start over and over from the 1st level....... when i played this 15 years ago, i am a total noob about gaming and stuff. so i wasn't able to finish the game. i remembered very well that i only managed to went through level 4 with the moving train . lots of jumping required. damn that was hard. the fragile body of little nemo cannot withstand any contact from the enemy more then 2 times...lol...... well, of course the game cartridge machine since my childhood was gone , broken , missing..... i decided to revisit it when i get my hands on a gamecube with SD gecko, which allows NES emulation. one more thing , when i played the game 15 years ago, i was having the japanese version and i dunno what is the name of the tittle by then. so when i decided to revisit my childhood game, i googled it and found out it's name was little nemo...... i was soo excited when i remembered the levels and how to play the game when i revisit the game. feeding candy to frog, gorilla, dinosaur,bee, and mouse, such a genius the creator was by then. just one thing though ,the game was too fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hard for a kid.... that's my opinion. especially the last boss...... damn, no hp bar is one thing . i think the important issue is that my character die after 3 time mistake but i have to hit the boss about 20 times so that i can win the boss.... overall, i must say this game is a masterpiece 10/10. It took me 8 hours plus to finish it with game saves . lol... I just finished it today hurray.............!!!! mission accomplish !!! :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

顽固老爹 2000 (日剧)

田村正和扮演 神崎完一 黑木 瞳扮演 神崎美矢子 水野美纪扮演 神崎小百合 广末凉子扮演 神崎铃 冈田准一扮演 神崎正 田村正和很上镜,演技很好。 广末凉子也很好,漂亮。面条很好吃。 深田恭子可爱,年轻。 剧本温馨。吵吵闹闹后一家团员。 剧本强调,结婚后的女人不易得到幸福。多半是因为现代女人有很多自己的想法。随夫的概念已经淡化。 经过十多年的电视剧,还是一样新鲜,一点也不落伍,很写实。音乐也不错。

Sunday, July 6, 2014

できちゃった結婚 OR Shotgun marriage OR Dekichatta kekkon (2001 jdorama)

this is the jdorama i liked before many years ago and until now i get time and effort to revisit it again and still feel satisfied for everything from the drama has to offer. liked all the cast. liked the theme song , liked the stare of his scary father, her beautiful sister ,Takenouchi Yutaka ,and ryoko hirosue really make my day. i think this is the 2nd time i finished this jdorama. i am glad i did it because it's worth my time. learned that sometimes u must put down everything for the good sake of the family even a man's career. one more thing, the newborn baby always bring luck to a fathers career lol..... thinking of revisiting some of her films very very soon such as renai collage , wasabi , and beach boys....


Vito Corleone + Michael Corleone = Mafia genius. i guessed the audiobook showed more details as compared to the movies . the audiobook also shows more story and explanations as compared to the movies. But after i finished listened to it, i have the urge to watch the movie again to see the godfather himself. to see al pacino , to see marlon brando and listen to his voice once more ...